Andrew Hillman


Grand Island, NY

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Board Member

    jojo wilczewski

    Good Day

    Welcome Andy. Want to take a trip to the islands with us one of these days??? jojoout

  • Board Member

    John Jarosz

    welcome, Andy.  It's a great club.  You'll love it!! see you at the meeting on the 6th.  Bring a few bucks to buy some drawing tickets. 1st meeting I went to, I won three prizes; lures & a coupon for $$ off at Dicks.  2nd mtg, I won a couple more lures.  how can you beat that??

  • Board Member

    jojo wilczewski

    Good day Andy
    We are planning this Wednesday, weather permitting , have to talk to Karen Monday for new permits . Have you given any more thought to allowing us a open, unlimited permit? It would be easier for me, since I am permit boy.

    Also would it be possible for me to get an escort down to the Marina shelter next week for the picnic? I am so the Catering Boy? Look forward to meeting you in person T picnic. Bring your family hot dogs, hamburgers, sausage, baked beans, grilled corn on the cob and potatoe salad .
    How can you resist??? Jojoout

  • Board Member

    John Jarosz

    jojo...I've got the 11th reserved on my calendar for the picnic.  no other plans, visits, shopping, commitments or otherwise.  I'll be going alone however, I'm not much into games & picnicking & all that other stuff.  Let the families have a good time. They prob need it more than I.  I can help set-up, cook, take out garbage, take down, clean up & do what ever else needs to be done in the background so the families can have a good time.  just come up with a laundry list of "tasks" & I'm at the ready 'cuz I don't know what to do there.  Never been at the picnic before.

    I'll be at the meeting on the 6th & I'll catch up with you then..thanks much..jj