

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

Hi, my name is Scott and I am a recovering lure addict. (Hi, Scott.)

Sit down. You might want to pour yourself a stiff drink or grab a blanket or pillow to squeeze first. Are you ready for my Earth shattering news? Are you certain? Here goes... Jojo and I went fishing today from 8AM to 6PM. Not too shocking, but there's an "and", and it's a BIG "AND"... And he only brought 16 lures and 3 combos!?!?! At LJA (Lure Junkies Anonymous) we call that a break through!

Sixteen lures!? He usually brings more than sixteen lures with him for bath time! Only three combos?! He normally rolls with enough rods to attract lightning strikes from as far  away as Iowa under clear skies.

Let's have a collective virtual round of applause for Jojo and his tremendous break through! This moment, which has seemed so impossible for so long, is like Syd Vicious quitting heroin, or Joffrey Baratheon sending flowers, candies and a heartfelt apology note to the Starks! This is die hard Patriots fans buying Bills jerseys everywhere!

Seriousness aside, we cast, jigged and trolled (mostly) UN2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 and back again. We had one follow in front of Strawberry on our second drift. The water temp was 56.3 when we quit. The east River is almost gin. The floaters were annoying; not unfishable.

Despite our inability to land a musky we had our usual great time, and Jojo has turned the corner towards lure sanity and while that might be bad news for bait makers, it is good news for society as a whole. Congratulations, Joe, and here's your one day coin!!!!

I almost forgot, here's an image of my GPS after one of Joe's Etch-A-Sketch / Circle Trolls.

Good luck out there and everywhere else, team.

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My name is Jojo and I have a problem.
I continuously think about musky lures.
I cannot stop.
I have gone a two weeks without having a lure.
Editor correction: the trolling pattern shown is called a circle jerk.

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