Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all. Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.
Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.
This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.
Here's part of an E-mail Capt. Larry received from Mike G. who has been helping Kevin Kapuscinski with his field work:
Hey by the way, do you know anyone who fishes out of a white center console boat (like a mako or similar style) that has the boat name "esox lucius"? The *$$hole was out there yesterday trolling for muskie right through the known spawning areas with 10" monster tubes, he saw our DEC boats and quickley reeled up and left after we told him to knock it off and that the season isnt open yet. Then he went right out the middle of the river and started jigging, that @$$hole. Maybe post something up on your site asking people to look out for this guy and if they see him up to it again to remind him that the season is closed and threaten to get an econ officer involved if he does it again. Just a thought but it really pissed me off to see that.
I really hate poachers. Don't abide poaching. Hit them hard, by calling the DEC. If you know this guy, tell him to stop tageting muskies. If you see him or anyone targting muskies, blow them in to the DEC. 1 (800) TIPP-DEC. Poachers are nothing more than thieves.
Take pictures. Write down the registration numbers. Follow the boat to the launch. Get his tow vehicle's license plate number and blow the scumbag in to the DEC. I realize pre-season poaching for muskies will happen, but if educating the "unenlightened" party doesn't curb them from doing it, nail them and nail them hard. Don't sit idly by. Don't get into a fight or anything like that, but call the DEC and hit them in the wallet. This sort of thing really burns me. I spoke with ECO Michael Phelps about the situation with the "Esox Lucius" poacher. He'll be on the water during the next few days and he'll be watching for this guy. Here's his cell phone number: (716) 250-8213. You can also call the NYDEC dispatch number which is 1 (877) 457-5680.
Apparently the "Esox Lucius" launches at Sheridan. if you talk to these guys, please keep your heads.
There is a similar TIPS line if your on the west side of the river.
Thanks for posting the OMNR number Bruno!
After the pike tournament we had a cook out at the Fishermen's Park next to Sheridan and I found a filleted musky carcas at the water's edge. The baby ski was about 20 inches long or so. Probably a mistaken identity for a pike, but I don't think it was legal pike size either. I noticed a small blue boat slow trolling (3mph) the deep weed edge outside of Gallager Beach about 2.5 weeks ago.
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