

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

This is getting a little ridiculous.  I have been musky fishing three times in the past week including today’s little adventure, and I have been to the emergency room twice afterward.   The nurses at Millard Fillmore know me on a first name basis.   It’s been suggested to me by the staff to consider maintaining my own room at the ER.

Today’s injury wasn’t nearly as shocking as Tuesday’s medical emergency, but I did get the point… a nice 3/0 treble hook point in fact, in the palm of my right hand just below my thumb.  Carrie and I were speed trolling tight to the slop in UN12 when a really quick 32” (or so) male skewered me with the back hook of my 5” Wiley Musky King in brown pikie.  The hook went in, out and then back in again.  My wrist felt like it was wearing pants from years ago.  I was buttoned.  I tried to rip it out, but the hook was really in there and I didn’t want to puncture any main cables.

I was in a bit of a bind.  The fish were really active shallow and I didn’t want to get off the water, but Carrie is the voice of reason and I’ve learned there is no reasoning with reason when it’s right.

The day started out with a nice Labor Day parade of bass boats flying by while we were casting and trolling in UN1.   There must have been twenty or so blasting out to the lake from the west side.  We felt bad for the stragglers with smaller engines (175’s)  that missed out on 30 seconds of fishing, beaten off the line by the 250’s and three hundo’s.

I’ve been relying on speed more this year than cross country truckers or first year interns do and after some casting with nothing we felt the need.  We cranked up the throttle in UN2 and I had a fish on reeling in to check for weeds.   I asked Carrie, “what does that tell you?”

“Speed up”, she replied.

Speed up we did.  In UN13 Carrie popped a gorgeous little tiger (her first Tony) on a 5” Wiley Musky King in Silver Shiner.  She’s caught a few fish on this lure this year and I fear its allegiance lies with her now.  (My carpe diem Believer is also thinking of jumping ship, or at least to the port side.)  I’d say the tiger was 32” (or so).   As she was letting line out just upstream from Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, another fish smacked the same Wiley.  (Kiss that lure goodbye.)  She didn’t land the dink, but we were cool with that.  We messed around in UN13 for awhile and then nature called so we took a pit stop at Beaver.

Back in the game we trolled deeper in UN12 around some magnificent bait and hooks with no success.  Back to the slop; double time.

That’s when the little bugger got me.  He was a feisty, spirited little fella and for a change I was worse for the experience than my prey.   I’ve rearranged my fair share of musky jaws over the years and I figure they kind of owed me.   Believe me when I say, you are a fool if you fish for muskies without Knipex.  I was really happy to have the best hook cutters in the world while I was connected.

I may fish tomorrow before the meeting.  Marc, if I don’t show up, I’m probably in the emergency room.  Make sure the kids are well behaved at our new stomping grounds, push the new hats and get me $20 in raffle tickets.  I’ll pay you later.  Thanks.

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Wow that looks painful! Was the fish shaking with the hook in your hand? I had that happen once, hook went threw my thumb and out my nail.....and off to the er

I was cuting hooks and he flipped spit and got me.  Removing / cutting is a lot easier when you net them.  Funny thing is it didn't hurt a bit.  As the fish swam away I'm certain I heard faint laughter.

OK, from now on - all persons fishing with Scott will have to be Red Cross Certified.

You need to be "certified" if you want to fish with me in the first place.

Good Day

I think you mean "certifiable"???  I have lots of those papers???



Perfect Joe!

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