

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

Scott M. and I fished from about 4:15 until about 7:45 this evening. We spent the majority of our time trolling UN4. I landed our first fish, a clean fat 41 at 5:20 on my Super Trooper Believer. I have been trying to get the skunk off of that lure (which is one of my favorites despite never catching a fish) for a little over a year now. I was so excited I was shaking, I LOVE when fish make me shake. Scott got our second fish 20 minutes later, a really nice 37 who head shook the whole way in. An hour later I had a 25 hit my Carpe Diem Believer but, the fish jumped, spit the hook and landed on the lure snagging itself, poor fish. I can only imagine it thinking it was free only to be re-hooked and dragged through the water again. So we had 3 on, 2 landed, and I would say it was a great day of fishing, it was a beautiful evening with almost no other boats out.

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Cant seem to get that skunk off of any of our flies huh John.....

With all due respect Capt Larry.........not sure I understand how adding the fact that the Indian Gill Netters passed you on the way out was needed to your fish report of not catching any fish. These Indian Gill Netters have Federal Treaty Rights to do this.... correct?

-Dave Martin

Dave, Yes they do, but being part Indian myself I do not see it right that they can completely cover every inch of the mouth of a river with so many nets that nothing gets through.Then while those gill nets are set there, the rest of the shoreline of Disecption Pass is set with more gill nets.By treaty they are allowed 1/2 of the total run by netting, so if the late October run ends up with high water floods after those eggs get wiped out and the whole spawn year is lost.Should be every other day so some make it up river early.
Today we caught 6 Coho Salmon way out in the sound today.Then the winds came up and blew us off.

Capt Larry,

Native fishing rights discussions eventually surface on every musky fishing website out there at one time or another.

There are over 500+ Federally recognized tribes in the United States, I don't claim to know the details of each and every treaty but I'd be willing to say that whatever tribe has these rights to net fish where you are right now paid dearly in land or whatever concessions, doesn't always sit right with today's sportsman but they have earned the right to what they are doing there.

Just my opinion...........

-Dave Martin

Dave, I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway by my using the word Indian Gill Netters.But when I was growing up as a kid out here in Washington State only about 6 rivers and 2 sound areas had legal Indian Nation Gill Netting.Now every river has a tribal reservation and they are allowed 50 percent of the total estimated number of Salmon & steelhead expected to show.The problem is that the King Salmon run the earliest and they get most of the total salmon for their 50 percent from them and leave none to run up to spawn or to the hatcheries.So the King Salmon runs on all the smaller rivers is now down to next to none.I know this is not the place to discuss this here, but only trying to explain what is happening here.

Reality Bites, doesn't it?

Dan...what do we have to do to get the skunk off the flies...soak them in tomato juice?

Right about now, I'm willing to try anything!!

No offense taken Capt Larry..... we've known each other for too long to have a difference of opinion impact our friendship.

The old saying probably applies in cases like this, you are where you came from, just folks with different life's experiences shaping our views.

Good Luck out there!

-Dave Martin

Dave I value our friendship as well, good luck this fall and if you need someone to share expenses fishing in December let me know!

Capt Larry

  John...nobody can ever say you don't have good tastes in boats.  I'm droolin'

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