

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

Scott M. and I fished from about 4:15 until about 7:45 this evening. We spent the majority of our time trolling UN4. I landed our first fish, a clean fat 41 at 5:20 on my Super Trooper Believer. I have been trying to get the skunk off of that lure (which is one of my favorites despite never catching a fish) for a little over a year now. I was so excited I was shaking, I LOVE when fish make me shake. Scott got our second fish 20 minutes later, a really nice 37 who head shook the whole way in. An hour later I had a 25 hit my Carpe Diem Believer but, the fish jumped, spit the hook and landed on the lure snagging itself, poor fish. I can only imagine it thinking it was free only to be re-hooked and dragged through the water again. So we had 3 on, 2 landed, and I would say it was a great day of fishing, it was a beautiful evening with almost no other boats out.

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Carrie...Three fish in 3-1/2 hrs.  That's some nice work!!  Congrats to both of you.  Once you get the skunk off a lure, it usually becomes a good producer, you know.

Congrats.  Gotta agree, beautiful night.  Tom R. and I began just after you left.  Fished until 12:30 under the starry sky and no wind.  I caught a thick 45" just after 10:00, and that was the only action for us. Starting to get Tom to like the Beckman net.  Good way to begin fall...

Fish were HOTT yesterday am. I had a 5 fish HOUR in the lower yesterday including 2 in 3 casts at one point. Well actually 68 minutes from 1st release to final release and Cullen landed 1 in that time span also. All fish 35-41ish. Amazing how nuts that September shallow bite can be, fish everywhere it seems.
Wow, thats unheard of John. Had to be a blast! Something you wont forget anytime soon.

all of you suck, I have been inside working my ass off at school. I am starting to think I made the wrong choice in the fishing vs school ultimatum.

HA!HA! made the right choice though, Riley.  Working your ass off at school will give you the $$ to spend on all those musky flies, lures & equipment.  Musky fishing is just another hole to spend your money (like fly fishing).  Might as well make as much as you can to get the best gear you can....kinda like a bottomless pit.

I listen to the advice my derm doc told me once (he fly fishes, too):  "Buy good and buy once."

Great advice that I live by right there. I just wish I could have afforded a Ranger 621vs as my first boat. Lol. Someday...

Haha im struggling to buy the right split rings now a days. John, The owner rings came and they are definitely the solution to my issue. 

Oooooo, a Ranger 621... I love it when you talk dirty!

Nice Riley, hopefully those split rings are as strong as I remember. You'll see me on that river in a new 621 eventually. I'll be driving a 15 year old 2008 tundra but I'll have my brand new 80 thousand dollar 2023 ranger 621 vs. Lol
Oh and today I was taken back to reality after the 5 fish hour earlier in the week. Fished the north gap 4-7 and the river 7-1030 and no sign of musky life.
Today Chris & I were back to reality, the Indian Gill Netters passed us on the way out this morning on the sound, we caught no fish all day trolling.Back out at 4 am.

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