

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

Mike Fortunate jumped on board my whip yesterday with the intention of breaking the curse that dogged us at the conclusion of last season.  During this two week curse, Mike and I would see fish, lots of fish with some days our follows numbering around twenty.  Other than the first evening we fished together where we landed one apiece, we never hooked up with any of these curious muskies.

We started about 5PM and we jigged mostly with a little trolling and a little less casting on the side.  The only fish I’ve seen this year were the two fish to my boat.  I have hit my fair share of shallow water and have not managed a follow yet.  On our first drift in the Triangle I had a follow!  Wow!  The fish was a monster, if I was chain pickerel fishing.  On our second drift I caught a tooth and a bit of jaw.  I’ve never done that before and Mike and I were as excited as two fat guys can be fishing without actually catching a fish and having only water in our cooler.  That was our action for the evening.

We drifted in front of the Patch, the Triangle and above the International.  We trolled the Triangle to the Shipyards and we cast briefly around Frenchmen’s and Miller Creek.

The moss was slightly more bearable in the Triangle.  The green stuff was worse the farther we went downstream.  There also seemed to be significantly less floating wood, which is always nice.  We called it around 9.  Mike had pizza at home and I wasn’t too excited about picking moss all night trolling.  Good time.

Off for a few days.  Best of luck everyone this weekend.

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as usual you have to reference "fat" in your fishing report! but seemed to leave out the casino, BBB, king kong, little asian men, songs-o-jerry and of course the 79" musky caught at wanneta......o well I had fun thanks for getting me out!
Mike u heard about my 79" waneta musky?? It may have been 80 but I didn't want to hurt her by pinching her tail. I had a bigger one on but lost her!

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