

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

Good Day Team

My season start was sooo good I needed home for a rest on the third day.  Partially due old age , partially due to 18 hours on the boat in two days, partially due to Jimmy and I celebrating our braking the NO FISH CURSE we both had for two years and partially due to running into a 6 pack? Probably a combination of all of the above?  Thursday morning i knew we had to brake that NO FISH CURSE we were carrying around last year and I remembered the words of Jonathan Hillstrand on Deadliest Catch. Say a Prayer and do three Swedish Circles when coming out of the harbor to brake a bad streak. So we did , we launched pull out did three Swedish Circles , counter clockwise circles and three ALABALABALA'S. Then hoped for the best.  

    It was a very fishy looking day, over cast, slight breeze, 10 vis in water , but water was cold 57 when we started. The best looking part was  WE WERE FISHING,  and had next three days off. I do like the hard start day of June 15. When we pulled out there were only FIVE boats fishing opening day morn? REALLY. It was a beautiful sight, a quite opening morn on the river! We proceeded to my traditional opening Cucumber Troll , Blue Hole to Launch Club, nuttin. So we started behind  Motor and Strawberry and made our way up in front of Strawberry. John  and Cullen were there and we asked how they were doing ? John said he can't see any fish up here?  When told me if he can't see anything with his 6 Million dollar, space age, Magic Viewing Ball, that told me is time to move on. 

     We went over to the Black Rock Flat and Jimmy broke his Curse at 1015 with a Black Rock Dink.  Even a dink brings a smile when  it has been years without any Musky Cologne!  We were on the board. Took a lunch break and Trold down the East Side of town. Yes Jimmy and I developed two new methods of wishing this weekend. The Old Boy Team noticed that our bad backs, tired legs and infant minds could not wish like we used to?  As we checked in and drove by the Young Guns boats, John, Cullen, Mike and Sean, watching them stand be the kids they are, standing, throwing, casting and retrieving. While Team Old Boys sat  Trolding and Jigolding, both techniques are done while sitting because you cannot stand anymore. OLD, achy and grouchy are key to this method. Despite our OLD set backs we were happy to be on the river.

    Went all the way down to the Power Lines still Nuttin. Headed up Grand Island side. As we approached the Boulder Field, Jimmy asked me to switch to the side scan to check out the boulders or possible fish.  Then much to my amazement rod went off at 130 with the tell tale Ziz Ziz Ziz and rod shaking like a leaf!  As soon as I pickup the rod I could feel the big fish head shakes but I had to get my old fat butt up and out the low boat seat? Getting old stinks! Once I do, I remembered why we play this insane game we love!  Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result?   The thrill and feel of a big one!  Then I see her shoulders and yell at Jimmy GET THE FREAKIN NET!  I am shaking, numb and astonished once we do. Finally, I nice one it has been many years for me to see shoulders like hers?  She still had a belly full of something , she might not have spawned yet?  Get her measured and she is my Person Best at 48.5. One of things that amazes me about Musky fishing is how much one silly fish can effect us? No fish = grouchy or melancholy? Small fish= ok ,better then nuttin?  Big fish = a years worth of joy?  All due to a random Act of Nature?  Of course we have a lot to do with it. Being out, being in a good spot, picking a good lure , Brown Perch Musky Candy shallow, picking the right distance, 33back, picking a good boat, right speed 3.3 up,   a good rod, a good reel, good line, good leader , IGG , and most of all A Great Partner, Jimmy.  Not anything important in the big picture of life, but it sure makes life better! 

      We were supposed to go out again Saturday but the Old Boy Team was shot? Both of us were walking like the Hunchback of Notre Dame, we could not keep our heads up, and our legs felt like Gumby's rubber legs? Saturday morn we took our pain (in the butt) pills and thought about going again but our infant minds could not even get us up and out.

Heading out tomorrow and Friday eve, ALABALABALA and big fish to all


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