

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

Ending the season with this thick girl sure will make it easier to cope with my urges to musky fish between now and the 3rd saturday in June. People ask me "what is your favorite fish to fish for?" I tell them musky, because no other animal has taught me more about myself than musky..... and many of those lessons are humbling!

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Well said John, beauty fish!

Nice way to end the season, Cheeks.  Please Email a high resolution image.  Thanks.

Great way to end the season John!

what a set of shoulders on that one, John.  That's just one beautiful looking fish.  Congratulations on a great season-ending finish!

Thanks guys. Yea John that fish has a head, shoulders and belly on her just like mine...BIG! Dave really hunter her down for us. We were both rewarded for his talents, but I was lucky enough to get bit by the larger of the two very healthy and thick fish. Hard fighting too, big head shakes and pulled a little drag thoughout most of the fight. Thanks Dave.
Look at that head! She's eyeing you up in that pic right there. I bet she's thinking, "I bet I could fit his head in my mouth"

JP...yeah, that's for sure with the eyeballs.  She's giving ol' Johnny there the "stink eye" thinkin' ..."I'll get you NEXT TIME, you SOB.

I just can't get over what a good looking, healthy fish that is.  Hallelujah for a healthy fishery (but it can always be better) 

You're being way too modest John, great C&R by you.

Funny how we started the day out joking about all our past trolling day failures, too many fishless trolling days to count in the buffalo harbour, including one unforgettable day when we actually had feet of snow in the boat by the end of the day haha , also soaked to the azz in the Henning Tourney a few years back before our day changed this year.

After all those previous no fish trolling days........ for one day we got rewarded, I'm calling it even.

Plus....where else could you spend a cold beautiful winter day on the water drinking hot coffee from a Stanley Thermos,  listening to Willie's Roadhouse on the radio, Boy named Sue, Seven Spanish Angels, He Stopped Loving Her Today... with Johnny Cash, George Jones, Waylon Jennings and on and on.

Doesn't get any better than that!


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