

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

Night Wishin’
(That could be a county county
​Jojo luv’s night wishin’! First, as I grow, I find it less tiring reporting for “Dusk Wishin’ “then I do reporting for “Dawn Patrol”. It used to not bother me so much, but now, when Jojogoes two days in row it makes for a cranky Joe. Second, I am not usually working. Third, the fish seem to turn on at dusk. It’s the last chance of the day light and then again after dark. Fourth,the river has less Googans and pressure, after dark. It becomes peaceful and serene. Especially if it coincides with a moon rise or moonset. Which you should always know, anyway. Fifth, I don’t mind trolling at night. Sixth, less eagle’s nests, since I don’t like to cast at after dark. Lastly, my favorite reason to troll at night is the darkness blinds me from the sights and sounds of the land and shoreline. Rather, it enlightens my fascination of the river bottom. On the East side of town, and a bit uptown, I love visually imaging the river bottom in front me. Trolling around watching as my space age graph sends me the intel. The new graphs don’t have enough split screens to show all the intel they are collecting. Someday, I’ll learn how to use the entire thing, that Mystical Magic Machine that see’s all, tells all, it’s practically cheating. Just like someday I’ll learn my entire car’s computer, my phone, my internet and or my brain…
​Let me suggest some additional necessary night gear and info:
- At least 2 head lamps each.
- A million-watt spot-light and use the 12 volts plug in’s so you always have power out there. They help in releasing and netting, but just as importantly they are important to ward off/ wake up blind Googans.
- Never assume another boat, night or day sees you. Tell all your guests not to be bashful, if they see trouble approachingshout it out.
-A flash on your camera and/or one on your phone for a good pic.
- Very loud horn helps to wake up the blind and deaf Googans.
- Make sure everyone knows how to use the gear before heading out. If you wish at night, it’s inevitable, eventually you will get cut off
- Leave radio off to hear incoming boats.
​After- dark my favorite color is black. Black gives off the best silhouette at night, moon or no moon. I try to keep lures 5-10 feet off bottom. The new Fat A.Z. rotating rod holders make this easier than it sounds. They allow 120 degrees of lift without reeling in the lure, just grab the handle of the rod and push down, raising rod tip 120 degrees about six feet.. All my favorites have at least one special “spray can black” paint job, and some painted by Toothy and Andrew. Along with the famous skunk and night shiner patterns.
​One dark evening trolling on the river with Kelley and Toothy, Kelley was driving. As she drove around I would steer her by directing hers towards marker numbered 26, or beware of marker 13 over there it has no light on it or follow red ones numbered 1,3,5. As the night wore on she looked at me with that look of sarcastic bewilderment and asked me, how come you can remember the number of every marker on the river… but not my birthday??? I told her it’s important to know them, to avoid them and they mark my wishin’ spots. She returned with that typical womanly yeah, yeah, yeah... A short time laterwhile doing a trolling pattern behind number 15 towards Motor, giving her my usual explicit clear as mud (Kelley’s description)directions. I look up-river and what do I see? A Googan cabin cruiser heading down river towards us. Full speed bow high, I could sense he didn’t see us. I tell her to turn up-river HARD! Just then our wonderstruck eyes filled with astonishment watching the Googan cabin cruiser run right into marker number #15, just where we were headed. He bounced up and over poor Green Fifteen, ripping off the solar cell, the battery and light, sending them right to Davey Jones’ Locker. Toothy and Kelley cringed with amazement as we headed over to help. He just kept going… Hence my lesson to Kelley about knowing all the marker number. Now she knows why I know every marker on my side of town.
Have fun out there but keep your head up.

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