

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

Got a late start today and launched solo at 8:30.  Couple unsuccessful drifts on Frenchmans then headed down West river.  Hooked up briefly but lost the fish and headed back upriver.  First drift hooked up and after a few minutes of extreme chaos the fish was resting in the net.  I hollered at a nearby boat and John Pensyl and his partner (thank you kind stranger!) came right over to help me.  John ended up unhooking and measuring the fish for me then they took a couple photos and off she went.  He pronounced her a fat 47! Josh Ketry jumped on a little later but no more action ensued.

John Pensyl and his friend made me realize today why I am proud to be a member of the NMA.  When I called they rushed right over to help me with the fish and share in the excitement.  Thank you John.  Hope I get to repay the favor someday.

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Congrats Jay!!!! How exciting!!! I will agree that is the absolute perfect benefit of being a member of the NMA.  Just out of curiousity , did your fish have a dig out of the right side just behind the gill plate, just curious if by chance we happened to catch the same fish?!  Hopefully many more fatties to come!!

Definitely not the same fish.  Will post photo when I get it from John.

Good! That means that there are at least 2 - 47" fatties swimming the Niagara! :)

You and I were lucky to meet them today.

Now go get yourself a 50!

She looked like a fall fish, not a spot on her and belly fat as can be. Getting to see her and helping the guy I brought out get his first musky today really made my day. Congrats again Jay, ill send u pics as soon as my buddy awakes from his musky excitement induced coma.

Opening Day 47.  Photo courtesy of John Pensyl


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