

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

l admit it, I like carved pumpkin.  I'm not partial to carving them, but I enjoy looking at them.  The photos below are the two pumpkins Carrie carved this evening.  In the past she's carved me a Philadelphia Phillies logo, the Batman shield, Iron Man, a Perchbait, a Believer, and Meat Wad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force (a truly exceptional pumpkin).  This year, after some painstakingly long thought and deliberation with the voices in my head, I requested the Weyland Corporation logo.  You know the Weyland Corporation, right?  ($5 in raffle tickets at the November Meeting to the first correct response (minimum 50 words and no Google or search engine responses please).)  Carrie decided to carve a pirate ship for hers.  Her father was a sailor and a bit of a swashbuckler.  Good choice, I think.

Here they are:

Let's see your pumpkins!  You do carve pumpkins, right?  I am such a dork.

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isnt wayland corp the people who made orpproduced aliens,???

Close little buddy, but no cigar.

The Weyland Corporation, often shortened toWeyland Corp, was a British[1] multinational corporation with a stock worth of $218 trillion in 2093, specializing and developing in major advancements in technology such as holographics, off-world colonization, FTL travel, and others which are consolidated into seven verticals: health, transportation, energy, electronics, terraforming, security, and cybernetics, headquartered in San Francisco, CA.[2] Weyland Corp eventually acquired the Yutani Corporation and formed the Weyland-Yutani Corporation.
"When the first Alien movie and Blade Runner were made, I thought that in the near future the world will be owned by large companies. This is why we have the Tyrell Corporation in Blade Runner, and Weyland-Yutani in Alien. They sent the Nostromo spaceship.The Prometheus is owned by an entrepreneur called Peter Weyland, who is played by Guy Pearce. That's the connection between the two films, and nothing more. Prometheus is a new film, a new world, and is full of new ideas. And of course new monsters as well."
"When the first Alien movie and Blade Runner were made, I thought that in the near future the world will be owned by large companies. This is why we have the Tyrell Corporation in Blade Runner, and Weyland-Yutani in Alien. They sent the Nostromo spaceship.The Prometheus is owned by an entrepreneur called Peter Weyland, who is played by Guy Pearce. That's the connection between the two films, and nothing more. Prometheus is a new film, a new world, and is full of new ideas. And of course new monsters as well."

Joe, welcome to $5 in raffle tickets courtesy of yours truly!

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