Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all. Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.
Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.
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Fished the triangle Thanksgiving morning with flies... a few follows and that was it.
Friday I fished the East and had a 40"ish fish follow on the first cast and stay with it on the figure 8 for like 6-7 turns and finally ate the fly... 10 seconds later the hook pulls and gone. Proceeded to hook another fish 3 casts later, on and off just as quick. Then 4 follows from small fish over the next 40 minutes. Found lots of bait, all the muskies seemed top be near the larger bait (gizzard shad maybe?)
Saturday, I fished the East and the Triangle. Had the awesome experience of getting my buddy Ryan Welch into his first musky on the fly! He had come out with me close to ten times over the last 1.5 years so it was really cool to see it finally happen for him. A real nice 42" fish too.
Sunday I fished the East briefly and then hit the West. Landed a 40.5" in the West and had an absolute tank follow in. It was a total debacle landing and releasing this fish. Get the fish in the net about to take a picture when we realize my buddy's line is snagged on the bottom and we are drifting quickly. Try to start the motor to quickly move up and free the snag, when I start the motor i realize my fly line just got sucked up by the prop (brand new fly line too). At this point my buddy's almost out of line with his snag and about to lose the whole spool. Release the fish, cut the fly line from my prop, motor up to free the snag... what a shit show!!! Oh yeah, I broke a rod earlier that day trying to free a snag and lost the fly in the process... blessed and cursed I guess.
a few days left... still looking for that big girl!
Nate...Shit show is right. You two guys must have been like the Keystone Kops out there. The things that happen when no one has a camera.
Glad to read that Ryan got that nice one. You know that somebody as intense an angler as he is was bound to get one sooner or later.
Thanks & a real nice report. I still remember what you said one time about flying for them; it's not the best, it's not the easiest & it's not the most productive", but damn it's exciting!!
Very cool.
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