

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

We have a few new members who fish from shore. Does anybody have any suggestions where they should try?

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I've never done it, but if I did, here's where I'd try:

Bird Island Pier on canal side. Long walk to the end. Work from where they anchor the sail boats to the end of the pier. 40 years ago I used to catch a lot of bass there. No question there's muskies.

Unity Island (formerly Squaw Island). Where the Black Rock Canal empties into the upper Niagara. I've seen anglers casting muskie stuff. Lots of bait and I know there's muskies there.

Lower Niagara along the gorge trails. All eddies. I used to hike those trails and used to see guys casting muskie lures. They said they catch muskies and pike.

The fishing platform above the South Grand Island Bridge. We just dropped a bunch of boulders there and they should hold bass and the occasional muskie.

The Niagara Mohawk Fishing platform in the lower river. We've heard of guys catching muskies there. Long net would be necessary, I think, and would have to move fast for a good release.

I wouldn't be afraid of trying any shoreline area which is accessible, drops quickly into deeper water and/or where other smaller fish can be caught. Food attracts muskies.

In addition to what Tony mentioned, I would add the habitat improvement project near Blue Water Marina on Grand Island.  there is a little pier type structure there you can fish from and the area definitely holds muskies.  Also could wade out in front of the creek mouth at Buckhorn Park on Grand Island.  I've also heard of guys catching muskies early in the season fishing from Gratwick Park in Wheatfield/NT.

A few more additions:

There were some pics posted on-line of a musky caught at the Niagara Mohawk Power Platform.  The way the fish was handled though, laying flat on the metal grate, was obscene.  A long net is definitely needed.

1. The City Ship Canal near the sand piles (opposite the grain elevators).  I know people who have caught muskies there from shore (and also from a boat trolling along the shoreline.

2. The very end of the Pier between Bouquard's Boat Livery & Gallagher Beach at the Cargill grain elevator.  Lots of pilings & people usually fishing there from shore.

3. Off the pavilion at Fisherman's Park in Tonawanda.  We put-in an FAS there right at the edge of the turning basin. I know it's within casting distance from shore.  Stand at the South corner of the pavilion.  That's where the corner mark for the FAS was placed.

4. The outer wall at SBH is being rebuilt & it looks like some kind of platform or something is being built there,  Walk to the water's edge & cast out.  During musky season, boats will troll along there.

Best of luck from shore.  That would be quite an accomplishment, for sure!

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