

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

When I arrived at my boat I knew something was wrong.  The cockpit snap cover was half opened.   My snap cover has never blow open in the three years I’ve kept my boat in a slip and they have seen some very heavy winds.  Looks like someone has been in my boat, I thought.  After some inspection I discovered three rods and two reels were missing.  Let me amp up my heavy sarcasm machine, GRRREAT!!!!   My 10’ and 7’ St Croix Pro Glass trolling rods, Skinner's 7’6” G-Loomis medium light action Back Bounce rod, a Shimano Charter Special and a Shimano Calcutta 400 (also Skinner's) were stolen.  Thankfully, none of my more expensive rods, reels, lures or electronics was taken.  I am really pissed about the rods and reels, but what I am most upset with is I now have to remove everything from my boat, every time I fish.  This is no easy task, but I guess I will have to do it from now on.  I would ask each of you reading this report to keep a look out on E-Bay and craigslist for these items if you happen to be surfing them.  Maybe we can catch the world’s dumbest rod and reel thief.  I doubt it they will turn up, but you never know.

After contacting a friend of mine who’s a Buffalo Police Officer, checking a few of the local tackle shops and inquiring about video footage from my marina, Carrie and I went fishing.

Our plan, before the thieves threw a monkey wrench at me, was to fish the afternoon and pick up Joe Wilczewski around 6PM.  Carrie and I cast around Strawberry with nothing to show for our efforts.  Jojo jumped on board with a big cooler full of treats around 6:30.

We tried casting the spine for an hour or so and then we put down the call rods and reached for the well rods.  Jojo went with a skunk Believer, and Carrie went with her beloved Carpe Diem Believer.  Since we had black and sort-of-hot natural covered, I went with a hottie; a clown Depth Raider.  We started trolling in the Triangle and on our first pass back towards the Canadian shoreline, I called “Fish on!”  After a nice little scrap, Carrie netted a plump little fish for me.  After the fish shook one of the trebles in the net, I pulled the last and I dipped the net and she took off nicely.  Jojo called her at 38”, which sounded about right to me.

We trolled the Triangle, and Miller Creek Marina back to the Triangle; pulling our same spread the whole time.

It was when we shot over in front of Strawberry, the boat with no lights Joe and Carrie were discussing tuned on their blue flashing light.  I’ve always wondered when I was going to get questioned by the US Border Patrol after crawling up the Canadian shoreline in the dark pulling lures, and tonight was finally that night.  The gentlemen on board the USBP boat asked us a few questions, ran our IDs and my boat registration and let us go with their well wishes.  Nice bunch of guys.  I had a pleasant conversation about the cat and dog that live at Mid-River Marina with one of the officers, Jojo and I talked glowingly of the 42’ USBP boat (that is indescribably awesome) and suggested to the guys they might want to get a few rod holders for it.

We trolled a bit in front of the patch and called it around 11:15.

I almost forgot about the cooler of amazing boat snacks Jojo brought!  Let me tell you about pork chop sliders!  Joe starts with a fresh slider roll.  He smears mayonnaise on both sides, adds the breaded pork chop, Havarti cheese, caramelized onions and seasons with salt and pepper.  To quote Mia Wallace from Pulp Fiction, “I said Goddam, Goddam, Goddam!”  They are awesome little sandwiches!  Jojo also brought his potato salad (which, in my opinion, is the best in the world), home grown cherry tomatoes and peppers, and a BIG ‘ol bag of cookies for dessert!  I mentioned to Joe that he may want to advertise as a paid fishing partner.  Anglers would pay Joe to jump on their boat and fish.  Jojo would bring his own equipment and a cooler full of goodies.  I bet he’d be booked for years to come.

Besides the rods being stolen, we had a really nice time fishing, but then again it’s always fun fishing with Joe and Carrie.   Good luck out there Gang!

PS: Frank and Chewie (the Mid-River resident cat and dog) are doing just fine, although the Border Patrol officer mentioned Frank has been marking his territory lately.  I’d take a little cat piss in my boat to get those rods and reels back.

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Please allow me to add that all 3 of the missing rods were my regular rods, the ones that throughout the years I have gotten comfortable with, I know them like the back of my hand, despite the fact that Scott has much better equipment than I do, my combos are familiar to me and I know by a touch whether the lure is running correctly or if I have weeds.  I was completely lost tonight.  There is something special about that one rod (primarily my down rod)  where you can just look at it or touch it and immediately know what your lure is doing.  It is almost sacred.  I fished Scott's down rod all night and it wasn't the same. The butt was too long, the action was awkward, I guess you just can't replace your fav.  If anyone sees these for sale please let us know, I would love to have my familiar rod and reel back.

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