

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

Does anyone here have Twilli top rods they are not using and want to sell?  Looking to start a wire line set up or two.



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Josh, I used to use wire rods all the time for trolling, and still have some all rigged. But I never bought "wire rods", but simply replaced the tip from an ordinary trolling rod with a Twilli tip. One thing to note is that wire will cut through glass or ceramic line guides over time and they should eventually be replaced by steel guides. You also have to keep an eye on the wire either kinking or fraying. Wire breaks very easily if kinked or frayed.  I used both sevenstrand and monel. 

Wire will also cut through a reel's line guide, which shouldn't then be used with braided line unless first replaced. I started fishing wire line back in the 1980s and still do on occasion. The reason I used wire back then was because there weren't any real deep diving lures (Bagley and later Depth Raider was about as deep as you could go) and you needed wire (or leadcore) to get down to depths of 20 feet or more. I found leadcore to be unreliable - it would break for no reason it seemed. Also, braided line, which is much thinner than dacron (which couldn't go very deep because of its thickness), didn't yet exist. 

With the current availability of both braided lines and deep-diving lures I don't use wire much any more. But wire still has advantages in fishing shallow-running lures (such as Pikie minnows) deep, and has a sensitivity way beyond a braid or leadcore (which is important if you're holding your rod).

If you have any questions about using wire line let me know - I fished it almost exclusively for trolling applications for close to 30 years.

Josh just take the rod you intend on using to any tackle shop along lake ontario. Slippery sinker in olcott or asb in newfane should both have an assortment of tips and can even slap it on for you if your uncomfortable heating your tip to remove it.

Thanks gents!

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