

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

Put a seriously hard grind in with Sean Leary from Friday through today, rewarded with a few nice fish and capped it off with a buzzer beater tank in the rain today. The fish had a strange lump on its side about the size of my index finger under the skin. Not sure where they implanted them on the fish or how big the tag is. I take videos of my fish encounters and then just take screen shots for pictures to minimize fish time out of water. Unfortunately I get less quality out of the pics but its for the best. Hopefully with this image someone will be able to tell if this is one of our girls or just a fish pimple

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Congratulations, Mike!  Nothing will warm you up like a huge fish.  Well done, and that goes for Sean as well.  You guys grinded it out this year and your hard work paid off.

As for the lump on the musky, click here for an article on our tagging study from our June 2017 i...  Maybe the receiver moved in the fish.  If this is the case your fish is an incredibly significant fish.  Maybe John Jarosz could pass these images and your description to the DEC.

Congratulations again, Mike and Sean.  What a way to finish your fantastic seasons.

Beauty.  Worth the grind..

Ala bala bala

Well done fellas

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