Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all. Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.
Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.
This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.
Its official I guided a client in his boat today using TUBES! Patrick Beltz caught a nice 47 1/2" muskie! Cullen is also still on fire,he will tell you about his great day I'm sure!
I have been silent on the message board about this topic. After reading Tony's post, I now feel that others are still on the fence as I am. I feel that he hit the nail right on the head in his 3rd bullet. Would I like to continue my fishing season? yes. Am I concerned about what it may do the fish that could be caught? yes. And that is why I am still not on a definitive side for voting.
I am excited to attend the March meeting to hear a group conversation on this topic that will include a DEC member and a fisheries biologist. It will be interesting to hear their views along with views they have heard from their colleagues. Yes, the St. Lawrence DEC agent (LaPan) that would like to shorten their season is very interesting to me. Even though he will not be in attendance, I am hoping we get to hear why he has these views.
I also agreed with Tony saying that the NMA is a conservation and fishing club. I still consider myself a new member of the NMA (3 years), but really cannot believe in "conservation or bust". I have always looked at the club to balance the two, albeit...not always so cut and dry.
As I stated above, I look forward to the March meeting.
I hope no one here is reading my posts as "conservation or bust" . LOL
The NMA has a good relationship with the DEC and it is because of the NMA's efforts towards conservation of our fishery. If the DEC says extending the season will not effect the fishery, then we should definitely extend the season, because we all want to fish longer.
But, if the DEC says we should not extend season, should we still vote on trying to petition the DEC for the extension? I'm very up in the air on this if that happens. I just think it would look bad if we do, but that is just my opinion.
Your last post was a good one Pensyl. I liked it.
Bring all your data to the next meeting. Who knows, you may be right, but I don't know that. Please understand, Based on what has been provided to me in terms of numbers, shows a horrific decline that is not based on water temperature.
I would love to hear your views on this at the next meeting. You probably do have more time on the harbor than anyone else so obviously I value your views on this subject hence the reason I have not refuted much of anything you have posted. I have only done that to those I feel that have not been educated on the subject, but yet seem to think they know everything about the fishery. I hope you understand.
I get nervous when people say "if they did, I wouldn't want to be part of the NMA"...especially from an active/board member of the club that always contributes 100%. That was my reasoning of "conservation or bust". It is very tough to have controversial votes in a democratic club knowing that some will not get what they truly believe in (in our case, season extension or not -- it is obvious that we have members that are dedicated to their beliefs on this topic). I can only hope that whatever way the vote leads, it will not create dissension or people walking away from this great club.
John, there is little traffic on the site with this string compared to the first round of the extended opener posts, but I'll keep my fingers crossed. I'm glad the public can longer view our Forum. The eating muskies posts might might not go over too well.
Larry, why did the DEC contact Chapter 69 and not the NMA on this subject "back in Oct last year"? We were never asked to "give them an answer in 48 hours". Seems curious to me. I also "can't wait to hear why." Perhaps we're out of the DEC loop?
Capt. Larry D. Jones said:
Adam, Actually I have more Harbor Data in my computer then the NMA does.I have been on the water up in the Buffalo Harbor fishing more days
per year then anyone since 1990. I have fished through all the changes and I'm well educated on what conditions bring muskies in to the Harbor and what some times moves them back out.I also know by water temp that you have a low or higher chance, you can't catch what has not shown up.I honestly believe 15 days of December will not stress the fishery at all.There are many conservation steps that can be done to help the fishery, habitat restoration brought up by Scott at the last meeting is a very good start.
By the way Tony , Cassleman thinks the fish left over after VHS are the heathiest fastest growing muskies he's ever seen! So I can't wait to hear Steve. Lapan's exlimation well.
At the time the NY M.I.Chapter 69 Voted the NY DEC was for a Dec 15th closing date.They changed to Nov 30th after we voted, I can't wait to hear why.Maybe if the NY DEC would have had the meeting they are having March 5th back before we were asked to give them an answer in 48 hours back in Oct last year, we would not be here at each other's throat!
That is really funny John!
Good Day
After reading Kevin's article and seeing that there was a commerical fishery for Musky , I also wonder what they would TASTE like. I would like to make a 4 foot fish sandwich? Fish sandwiches are one of my favorite breakfasts, because they usually mean I got some good lov'in yesterday???
Let's show some love boys...
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