

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

Our December 4th Meeting is our Christmas Party.  It is a fun and relaxed event and I encourage you to attend. A buffet dinner will be served for only $7 per person. We told the crew at the Eldridge Club to prepare enough food for 60.  Please respond to this discussion if you plan to attend.  The party is open to members and their families, so please include the number of people in your party if you're not flying solo.  I want to make sure they have enough eats for us.  Thanks.

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Pooner will be there.

Alan Hoerl & Richard Minich will attend xmas party.

Carole and i will be there. One of my favorite events!

I'll be there.

NMA Christmas Party was Great---Excellant Food!

The food was by far the best of all the xmas nma meetings ever!!!!

We should have the NMA Banquet right there!

Sounds good to me Larry. ..we can take over the whole place gymnasium and all lol. But seriously the food was amazing

After that meal we probably should have used the gymnasium for a few games of basketball.  Mike Fortunate and I will be captains and starting point guards.  This way we can slow the game down to a snail's pace to keep from passing out.  With my first selection, I select from the University of Brockport (I think), Daniel Scheda.  There's my center.  Mike, you're on the clock with the next two picks.

My 1st pic is Thomas "kaz the spaz" Shipp and secondly I chose santans son Chris "the anti christ" Clark

I had Kaz the Spaz targeted as my second round pick for my Twin Towers.  I select from the University of Claudette's Jojo Wilczewski.  The Celtics had Jojo White, I'd rather have just Jojo.  

With my third rounder, I select from Catholic Health System, Scott Kitchen.  The kid is in shape and I imagine he would be a tenacious defender.

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