

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

Went out last night 8:30 to midnight. Beautiful night. A few other boats were out. My plan was to stick to UN2 until I caught a fish, because my night forays have not been successful. Shortly after 9 I think I heard Carl on the radio saying that he or Scott Kitchen just released a 43 incher. I was trolling straight upstream below Frenchman's and swept my rod forward a couple times, the second time a fish hit. It was a nice, thick 42 incher. Caught on my gold Tonylure. Fish was hooked deep and had to work a bit to cut the hooks and release it. Very clean fish and it swam slowly away after a minute or two.

Fished til midnight without another nibble.

At least I got the night fish monkey off my back. Now I need to catch two fish on one trip. And I still need to catch a post-8:00am daylight fish.

I guess I'll just have to keep trying.


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It makes me wonder how often, when trolling, a fish just follows without striking and you just need to give it a little incentive like that.

your hearing was correct. I had a 43'' hit my butter lure while Scott was making a turn. I was inside rod and the lure almost came to a stop, when it started to move again the fish slammed it.  3 nights, 3 fish, loving the full moon.  glad you got that monkey off.  time for Scott K to get a bit of karma too..out again tonight...

I went out last night with my buddy Nate from 630-11pm We fished un1 and 2 with no action. Saturday morning Scott kitchen and I fished un2 from 630-1230pm and the only action was I had a fish on for long enough to see it was actually a musky. Fishing 14-23fow with a fly is a totally new experience but it seemed to pay off. I was hesitant to get right on the bottom for fear of the zebra muscles tearing up my fly line but I did get snagged once in the triangle so I was getting down. Looking forward to getting the night cherry popped.

I used to work the rod all the time. Definitely triggers strikes. Now I only work it once in a while. Too much wear and tear on the shoulder.

My plan last night was to start at Staley's and work my way back to UN3.  I was happy with my plan.  I was confident my plan would result in a fish or two for Carrie and I.  Mentally I had my trolling runs all laid out neatly.  I would hit deep and shallow water spots.  I knew what lures I would pull and how many feet back I would pull them.  All this is true until I looked at my gas gauge.  I thought I had a big quarter which would have been fine to complete my plan.  What I forgot is Brobeil had taken my boat for a test drive after the repairs on my motors.  I've written this a bunch of times, but it is always true; my stupidity is boundless.

With that in mind, I am going to fill my tank until gas splashes me in the face this afternoon.  At this point I'll probably take up smoking...

Do the MacSwan whacky turns.  Jon looked liked he was distracted while looking for something really important on the floor of his boat zigzagging around speeding up and slowing down lures.

The hot hand continues, nice one.  
Butterball gonna get a hog, my new bread and butter gonna get a lunker.  ps nice night Lar, hope to see you out there tonight.  Might have to fish in a little lightning before the front comes in around midnight.

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