Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all. Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.
Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.
This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.
Jo Jo and I spent most of the day (from about 7 AM till around 3 PM) in the cold west north west wind on the Ontario side of the upper. The water looked nice, about 5 to 7 feet of visibility and a warm emerald green, but the fish did not want to play. There where white caps in the triangle for most of the day and we did not see another boat at all. Still nice to fish with Jo Jo for the first time (he brings cookies and sandwiches, yea me!).
I think talking to those guides in the lower on how to handle fish is a great idea John. I think we should invite them to a meeting so we can counsel them on how to handle those fish in the lower with care.
I am still hoping Muskies Inc keeps trying to get a year around season passed for all inland bodies of water. 99% of people that will be fishing for them during those months are going to be serious musky anglers who know how to handle them anyway. The people I'm worried about are not musky anglers and they are going to get the incidental musky anyway.
Adam - I have been to most of the meetings for NY Musky Inc, and have not heard any talk about opening the season for inland lakes to year round.
They did send a letter to the DEC with the recommendation of extending the season to December 15 and starting the season in May (but there is some discussion still going on about if the start date should be the third saturday in may, or may 1).
Good Day
I think we bring up four important points. One, Un 1 and 2 is fished heavily all season. Two, acidental angler mortality; averages 30 %, if we are good and practiced I hope we lower to 10%. Which means we kill at least one fish for every ten we catch? The less caught the less damage to the system. Three, the Niagara is one of the only truley natural self sustaining poulation in the country. It has not been stocked in many many years. I hope it never has to be again. Four, Canada would not shorten the season when we asked. They chose to leave it open. I only fish 100- 150 hours a year for Musky and I have to live with killing 1 or 2, or quit fishing for them while the season is open. I do all I can to preserve the fishery and live with only fishing 5.5 months a year. I have tagged, fin clipped, release reported (for 16 years), angler diary studied(for 16 years) , taken DEC biologists to the islands, taken biologists from the science museum to the islands, cleaned the islands, taught release classes at shows, other clubs, fairs and ramps, helped to acquire and hang educational signs at the ramps, made, distributed and taught others to use solid metal leaders, helped to lengthen the size limits and preserve the islands when they were eroding away.
I fought and would again, to shorten the season even more, but it is not...
I do what I can.
I don't know how anyone can consider the Upper Niagara a fragile fishery when people have 8 and 10 fish days. But again, it's just my opinion. We all take good care of fish. I bet I could count on one hand the amount of people that fish musky in the upper river outside of the NMA.
How could the Niagara be more fragile than the Allegheny, which is open year around? The Allegheny is pounded by far more musky anglers than the Niagara. You could take 150 miles of the that river and it wouldn't add up to the size of the Upper Niagara and yet the Allegheny is a phenomenal fishery.
Just trying to make a point. I'm not trying to upset anyone here, we are all entitled to an opinion.
Good Day
The Allegany gets thousands ( I think 8 thousand) of new fish stocked every year just in New York. We once estimated our fishery in the upper at around five thousand total?
We are right it will never be alot of fishing in the river in Buffalo in December. When the harbor was on in the late 90's there were more out of state boats then NMA boats. We had one boat hand the fish around with every guy getting a pic and one changing his shirt for the pic for a second pic??? Some from other states are not as " nice to the ladies as we are".
It is more to error on the side of caution and not take a chance. We have plenty of stocked waters.
I am always up for a good discussion. Not looking for a disgustion.
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