

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

Hasn't been a great start to the season for me. In fact, it may be one of my poorest. Been out 4 times, only about 20 hours combined, and I have only hooked up with one fish - the first minute I was out. But I lost it. In fairness, I did have the pleasure of netting Louis Long's 48-inch beauty on opening day. So it hasn't been entirely a lost cause.

But circumstances have compelled me to do a few things differently which may have contributed to my slow start. First, I haven't been able to "cherry pick" the days I go fishing. For the past 15 years, until this year, I've been mostly picking fair weather days with a light sw breeze preferably preceding an approaching cold front. There was almost always some fish activity on those days. Knowing how weather effects muskie activity, it's a big advantage when you can "cherry pick" your fishing days. 

Secondly, I've been fishing weekends! Since I quit working 15 years ago, I've generally avoided weekends like the plague. That is because when I worked, I mostly fished weekends, and mostly at night. My memories of the 1980s and even the 1990s is that the river was full of boats on the weekends. All kinds of boats. Fishing boats, pleasure boats, water-skiing boats, cigar boats, speed boats. There was always a lot of boat traffic and activity. There were even boats selling ice cream and hot dogs! Really. Interestingly enough, all that boat traffic never really effected the fish. Perhaps the most productive day I've ever had on the river was on one of those weekend days. It was on a beautiful, sunny Saturday with a light sw breeze. There were seemingly hundreds of boats on the river. Myh friend Steve and I hooked 15 muskies and boated 12. The largest was 38 inches and most hovered around 30 inches. Caught them all trolling with 6-inch Bagleys and some In'Fisherman thing. Things were different then.

Boat traffic does not bother muskies. In fact, it may attract them. Remember opening day in 1996? Another beautiful sunny summer Saturday with a nice sw breeze in the harbor. Lots of boats and a historical big muskie rampage.

And I can't tell you how many big muskies we've caught in the prop wash at Nipissing. Boats attract muskies ... really.

I sometimes jokingly call myself a "fair-weather fisherman". There's truth to that. But check the records. Check the pictures of big muskies caught around North America. I bet they're dominated by sunny, fair-weather days (and nights). I personally believe that fair weather days are the best days for big muskies (yes, you may catch them on almost any day in any weather).

My biggest harbor muskies, biggest river muskies, and biggest Nipissing muskie all were caught on bright sunny days with little or no wind. And I used to fish a lot of rough weather. I didn't know the truth then. The myth was that stormy, windy days were the best days for big muskies. There were a lot of false myths back then. Makes better storytelling, I guess. 

So I fished on a couple Sundays, a Saturday, and on the 4th of July. It's been a real eye-opening experience. There are no boats, at least until about noon. There are less boats out now than at any midnight on the river in the 1990s. It's almost shocking. No more boats on a dreaded holiday and on weekends than on any other day of the week. What happened? But I surely don't mind.

Well, enough meandering on fishless fishing. Catching fish hasn't been the main reason I fish for many years. I just love the river. Love drifting down the river. In the midst of eternity in an infinite universe, this is where I am. Til I'm no more. Like so many before me and so many to follow.

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Good Day Brother 

I am with you all the way, it is wonderful to catch fish, But I lovew the river just as much if noit more! through in a good friend and nice weather... IT IS A GOODDAY!  jojowantsout

Just a reminder  picnic in two weeks and we need a head count PLEASE!

I love your poetic stance on riding out a cold streak. I just get irritated and publically make fun of my inability to catch muskies when I'm stuck in the suck.

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