

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

It's good-bye time for the beavers and hello time for the muskies, and many thanks to jojo & the all the rest of the crew.  Pics to follow.

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I want to add my thanks to the volunteers at Strawberry Island Wedneday evening. Being our first night on the "Beaver Project", it was a shake-down cruise, for sure.  Walking through chest high brush and thorn bushes was a real adventure.  Fording the river cooled us down, and got our wallets wet. Suggestions for the future Wednesdays: Long pants, long sleeve shirts, wire cutters (one pair was lost Wednesday) and  most important, a sense of humor.  JoJo did a great job as our water taxi.


Frank Stachowiak

A shake-down cruise, for sure, Frank.  I'll put down my own personal list of what I will bring/wear & what I won't bring/wear.  It'll be a guide (only) as I had some of the things mentioned but also more than I really needed.  If anyone is going out the next time with us, it should help you decide what to bring.

The crew making the beach assault on the beavers.  Note the waterline above the knees:

the beavers' nemesis:

The Beaver Project article is on page one of the News, Saturday, July 20.

Link for the article.

Nice work Gang!  Well done contacting the reporter Frank.  If you read the article on-line, make sure you read the comments that follow.  There is the usual sophomoric beaver jokes and some protesting our efforts; "Another example of man interfering with nature. What make the beavers any more or less important than the eagles?"  Wow!  Are you kidding me?  Short sighted to say the least...

Here's an E-mail I received this evening:


I just read the article in the Buffalo News. I think that your association should be HIGHLY commended for the work that you are doing for the conservation of the symbol of the United States and for the conservation of Strawberry and Motor islands.

Do not stop your efforts.

Thank you all.


Michael G. Rosiere

Lock Operator

Black Rock Lock

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

1776 Niagara St.

Buffalo, NY 14207-3199

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