Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all. Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.
Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.
This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.
We netted 3 muskie and lost another this morning. 2 of them were in the low thirties and the third was about a 3 footer. All were taken fan casting various bucktails. We also picked up a decent pike and a couple SMB.
Jim Kinner
Congrats on the 3 fish day. Carl Schenk and I were in the harbor from 12AM till about 7AM, with just one two zip rip. We spent another hour and a half in the river and got a 38 in UN1 and a teenager follow.
The moss is really not a problem as of know.
Congratulations on an excellent day Jim. A 3 fish day is always cause for celebration. I fished solo from 9-2 and landed a 32" fish in UN3 on a Mr. Toothy. It felt good to be back in the game and I hope to do a lot more musky fishing this year.
CONGRATS, Jim!! That's one heck of a day. Good going. It could be a sign of things to come!
Thanks guys. I thought of you, John, as a boat ahead of us in the drift caught a muskie on a fly. I know you spent a good amount of time trying to accomplish the feat last season.
The 2 anglers in a black Lund handled the fish well until picture time, when they kept the fish out a bit too long, and spent quite a while reviving it. It must have come around, as we didn't see it on the bottom when we passed over the spot.
Any muskie on fly tackle is a major angling accomplishment, and certainly a picture should be taken. Just remember to limit the time the fish is out of the water. Congrats to those guys, members or not, and kudos for reviving it.
Jim...Now you've done me all pumped up!! I've made a personal vow that if I ever get a Niagara or Harbor one on the fly, I'll be happy enough with a pic in the net. That's all that I'll need! Time to give my fishing partner Dan S. a call to get ready!
What UN were you in?
Excellent morning!
I didn't get out until 3:30 pm. I was hoping a little rain would help stir things up. It didn't. Drifted the river for about an hour with nothing. Ran up to the harbor. Beautiful evening, so I fished for bass for an hour. Boated 4 to 19 inches. Just wanted to catch the last couple hours of daylight to troll for muskies.
Started trolling about 6:30. Hooked and landed a 38 incher at 7:40 pm. Trolled til sunset and went in. Always nice to catch one on opening day. Caught on a Legend Perchbait, Tennessee Shad (old-time favorite color).
I treated myself to a little fishing present this season - a gopro camera. Fish a lot alone so I figured it would be nice to have some recorded memories. I was using a head mount, and the camera was angled a bit too high, but ok for the first try.
I'll see if I can upload it. Still not sure what's needed for this site. I guess I need a Facebook or You tube account? I'll give it a try.
That wasn't hard, but I think I'll re-do it in a higher resolution.
Nice fish handling Tony. As you say, it's always nice to get an opening day fish. I really like the go pro products, they are durable, small and lightweight, shoot very good HD video, compress a good amount of quality video onto a standard SD card,and recharge with any USB charger.
Carole actually caught her first ever muskie when we were out Bass fishing Tuesday. That fish hit a 3in crankbait/8lb test, so we were lucky there.
All four fish were caught in UN2. I hope the fish cooperate as well when I am underwater.
They don't float?
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