

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

I've outlined discussions and decisions regarding season extension issues as published in prior NMA newsletters and correspondence. It might be helpful to the current discussion to review what has been proposed, debated and decided in the past. The ouline is attached here: Season extension discussions and decisions.pdf

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I have no problem with women having a vote and the fact that u took my comments as sexist? Really? In case u haven't noticed when I don't agree with something I make light of it. I feel that that the nmas voting process, allowing potential non anglers to help make vital decisions for the fishery turns the whole angler input process into a joke. I would be just as concerned if our women members vote counted 2x because they had a husband. Let's talk sexist, let's talk modern era, Carrie. What if you have a live in girl friend but don't believe in marriage? 2 kids and a family but no rings? Because there are current members where this applies. I would hope that the input that we bring to the DEC is input gathered from anglers. If your loved one is an angler that includes them, if not they could care less. Carrie the DEC seeks angler imput, if the spouses out there buy fishing licenses and spend time on the water than by all means their opinion matters as much as mine. My gripe is with non anglers providing feedback to the NYSDEC when they are doing their best to make a difficult decision.
John how do you know these family members are "NON ANGLERS"? would you like to interview them and make them take a test 1st or make them proove they have a licence ? Secondly you said it yourself this will effect all people in NYS that buy a licence and they should have a say, well guess what my wife fishes 1-2x per year but buys a license every year and she will vote!
If she musky fishes the DEC could use her input Mike. I would just hope that this decision would be left up to musky anglers, wives, sons, daughters, husbands. If they musky fish bring on their input. Let me kill any idea that I have a problem with women. I was raised by women, grandmother, mom and aunt sue. I grew up in a house full of women including 2 younger sisters. I was introduced to fishing by my aunt sue and we still fish together today. This year I had 7 different women catch fish on my boat, 5 of which would not have purchased a nys lic or fished if I hadn't taken them out. We caught pike, brown trout, coho salmon, Atlantic salmon, bass and my 2 year old niece filled my livewell with sunfish and later we let them all go. None of them have ever targeted muskies and would never expect the DEC to want their advice on the musky fishery.


The point is that we have no way of knowing which spouse - husband or wife - has experience musky fishing. We have to leave it up to the discretion of each member whether or not they want to contribute to the vote.


I thaught a Family Membership included your wife & kids under 18 years of age.So we have an 18 year age limit on voting unless they have an individual membership.Just asking!


You must have a copy of the by-laws, because you are exactly right.


Each individual member and each family member 18  years of age or over shall be entitled to one vote in the affairs of the Association. Unless otherwise state herein, a majority vote of the members present at any meeting will be demed sufficient for the Association to take any action so vote on."

The above must be considered with ByLaw 3. A. Membership. 2.  Family - Husband and wife and children under 18 years of age, or single parent and children under 18 years of age, or husband and wife.

When you put the two together, the only family members over 18-years old who are entitled to vote are husband and wives, or individuals with minor children. Individuals over 18 years old require their own membership in order to be a member. That is, children over 18 years old are not included in a family membership. Otherwise 50 year old children of 80 year old members would be considered members and would be entitled to vote.

Also John the person voting, example spouses. ..may not currently be a musky angler however this will effect them at some point should they get involved in musky fishing. yes regardless if they currently target musky they should vote!
Oh, ok now I see Mike. I was under the impression the nysdec would want feedback from musky anglers. Now I understand, they want to hear from everybody? Wonder why its called an angler input survey if all this time they were looking for the opinions of non anglers? This musky stuff is hard, I'm glad things weren't made this difficult when we made changes to the steelhead regulations years back.

 I belive the NYSDEC will make the decision based on all imput they get,all clubs,all emails,all letters and Public Review!

I know Larry, I was just hoping the NMA input would hold a little more weight due to who it comes from. Knowing that our opinion towards the fishery as a club can be heavily influinced by non anglers has disheartened me. All I ever wanted to know is how the anglers themselves felt about the current closing dates. Maybe I should just conduct a survey including responses from nma and muskies inc members who fish greatlakes waters.

Well at least the U.S. Coast Guard believes that there should be Harbor Access for Safety!So we might have Harbor Access till Dec 15th each year if the NFTA and City of Buffalo Dept of Public Works listen to all the voices asking!

John stop assuming things! Who says "they" are non anglers? Please fill me in! Do you know everyones spouse?

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