

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

I've outlined discussions and decisions regarding season extension issues as published in prior NMA newsletters and correspondence. It might be helpful to the current discussion to review what has been proposed, debated and decided in the past. The ouline is attached here: Season extension discussions and decisions.pdf

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Not a lot of spouses names on those release reports over the years. You guys should bring them out more often and let them fish too!
John please read your past comments before commenting again! YOU SAID NON- ANGLERS!! So people that dont fish for musky are NON-ANGLERS and shouldn't have a vote! correct? If so, you should have been more specific and we wouldnt be having this conversation right now.....please tell me who said that their spouse is a NON- ANGLER if someone says that I agree they shouldn't have a vote, but no one said that! And you sre assuming that women dont fish!
Every woman in my family fishes so why would I make that assumption. If your spouse has musky fishing experience they should send in a ballot. If they are not musky anglers, don't. It seems pretty simple to me, just about everyone I hang out with fishes, very few of them pursue muskies. Therefore I would not ask for their advice on the subject. Solely based on the subject matter at hand. I would not ask a deer hunter for their input on duck seasons and I certainly wouldn't ask a non hunter. The spouses that are involved certainly deserve a vote, some of them do so much the probably deserve 10 votes, but its because they are active members or musky anglers. Not because they are married to one. This club is for musky anglers correct?
Yes this is a musky club but this vote effects anglers for generations to come! Just because someone doesnt fish musky today doesnt mean they wont fish musky tomorrow! And I definitely doesn't mean they dont care about em either! Im done this is pointless
Of all the reasons to defend your posistion, that's the worst. With that argument the DEC should seek input from everyone on the face of the earth because they could potentially fish for muskies one day. I understand why its set up the way it is. I'm just making light of the fact that many members will have 2 votes because of it. Is what it is bro, don't list me as a member of the "he-man woman haters club" because I pointed it out.

Just because the name isn't on a release report doesn't mean they don't fish, maybe no fish were caught while they were out. Should we limit the vote to people who catch fish, or a certain number of fish? There are also members who have not fished the past season (or more) due to physical, financial, or time constraints, should we take their vote away too? This entire situation is ridiculous and out of control.

John Pensyl said:

Not a lot of spouses names on those release reports over the years. You guys should bring them out more often and let them fish too!


There are people in the NMA that didn't fish musky last year.  Why don't you explain to all of them at the next meeting that you don't think they should be able to vote since they didn't fish last year.  I can't wait for you to do that!  LOL!!  This meeting will be epic.  Count me in on attending.

Guys, The ballots sent to our houses should read as below.


Please check one.

__ I oppose John Pensyl & Larry Jones and would like my children to be able to fish muskies in the harbor 20 years from now.

__ I would like to exploit the buffalo harbor by agreeing with John & Larry and would also like to propose a musky fish fry where we cook all muskies caught in the month of December.


Lighten up guys.   LOL!  Geeeez.            HA!

Adam,That was not called for! It read:

_____I oppose ever catching any muskie over 50 lbs,so I will only fish before the condions setup by stopping on Nov 30th,I'll side with Adam Kazmark


_____I hope the weather allows me on the water in Dec for a Giant Muskie and after a short visit I watch her safely swim home,I'll side with Capt Larry Jones

HA!  Good comeback Larry!  Now we're getting somewhere!

Don't take anything I have said too seriously.  

As long as we keep our sense of humor going, we will be able to debate this subject properly tomorrow.  I hope we can all do so tactfully without people taking things personal.  

Even though I disagree with you on the harbor ordeal Larry, I still like ya, which is crazy cause your so damn ugly!  Haha!  If the season does get extended you better get a 50lber or you are going to get a ton of salt shoved in your eye!   LOL!  

See ya tomorrow at the meeting!  


Adam, 102 days for NY Opener and maybe 30 days for Pa Ice out! It looks so far off Today! You are right if Dec 15th does pass and I do not catch something big,I will probably have that heart attack with that stress on top of what I have now!

You know that song from Beverly Hills Cop in the 80's called "The Heat Is On"?  You will be listening to that in your boat while trolling around looking for that monster!


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