Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all. Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.
Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.
This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.
I received an email from Chris Driscoll, DEC Fish Biologist, & they are looking for volunteers to help them with YOY musky seining next week. Below is Chris' email:
I did seining with Dr Kevin Kapuczinski for a couple of years & it was an "educational blast!" I learned a lot about sampling. Everyone should try it at least once.
Last time out someone asked if they could have their son go (under 18). Back then it was "no." I don't know if that's changed.
Hello everyone,
We are looking to start our young-of-the-year (YOY) muskellunge seining survey next week. Sampling will occur at a set of standard sites in the Buffalo Harbor and Niagara River, mainly targeting YOY muskellunge, yet we will be counting and identifying all other species as well. I’ve attached a technical brief to provide a brief background on the survey. Our tentative schedule is attached below. The sites scheduled for each day are not set in stone, and will very likely be moved around depending on weather and speed of sampling.
Date |
Site |
Staff |
Tuesday, July 27th: |
Office: Gear/Boat Prep |
Wednesday, July 28th: |
Bell Slip, Ice boom bay, Union ship canal (1 haul), Gallagher Beach |
Thursday, July 29th: |
Motor Island, East River Marsh |
JCZ, MT, CD, +1-2 |
Friday, July 30th: |
Big Sixmile Creek and Buckhorn West (Eagle Overlook) |
Monday, August 2nd: |
Buckhorn Island State Park- East River and 102nd Street Embayment |
JCZ, MT, CD, CP? |
Tuesday, August 3rd: |
Spicer Creek, Grass Island?? |
JCZ, MT, CD, CP? |
Wednesday, August 4th: |
Strawberry Island, make-up or exploratory sites if needed |
JCZ, MT, CD, CP? |
Sampling will occur in vegetated shallow water areas (3-4’). Typically, we wear waders to stay dry, yet wet-wading is an option too. If wet-wading, bring a swimsuit or clothes/shoes that you wouldn't mind getting wet. Please note, we plan on having lunch in the field each day.
This year we will have an increased effort on documenting site characteristics and identifying submerged aquatic vegetation and emergent vegetation. For those of you with expertise in plant/macroalgae identification, we would be very happy to have you aboard.
If anyone is interested in participating, please email me directly, letting me know what days you are available. I’ll send more details on meeting locations and times just prior to sampling.
Currently, NYSDEC does not have any social distancing or mask requirements for vaccinated persons. Unvaccinated/unknown status individuals may remove their mask outdoors unless they are in a gathering or crowded event where they are unable to maintain six feet of social distancing. We will not require masks for vaccinated individuals, yet welcome their use, especially while gathered during fish processing.
Feel free to pass this along to others that might be interested. If you have any questions, let me know.
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