

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

Jo Jo and I spent most of the day (from about 7 AM till around 3 PM) in the cold west north west wind on the Ontario side of the upper.  The water looked nice, about 5 to 7 feet of visibility and a warm emerald green, but the fish did not want to play.  There where white caps in the triangle for most of the day and we did not see another boat at all.  Still nice to fish with Jo Jo for the first time (he brings cookies and sandwiches, yea me!).

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Good luck convincing the omnr that's the way to go. Lot more $$$ to be made letting people fish in June than Dec and $$ talks. Also takes our weather pattern argument right out of the equation, warmer water temps mean an earlier spawn, correct? Although id rather catch fat healthy fish in December most are much happier wearing shorts and catching beat up post spawn fish. Bundling these two goals together, 1. Later start, 2. Later close will be 10x harder to gain support for than option 2 alone. Gotta pick fights you can win. Spread out the fishing pressure now because I can guarantee one thing, the popularity of this sport is about to grow.

John is right.  Canada may not change the season.  But Canada is always adding time barred fish sanctuaries, and NY doesn't even have them.  We could convince them to make certain areas of the Niagara river a fish sanctuary from May 1st through July sometime.  They already do it in Lake Erie.  We should at least make an effort to do this.  As for the harbor being open till December 15th, I don't see what it would actually hurt, having 15 extra days fishing when we already don't have much of a chance of catching fish there till late November anyway.  This is a conservation club, but we conserve to fish.  Not fishing is not an option to us since we fishermen.  I am in favor of keeping it open till December 15th.  I don't see the harm in it when no one fishes the harbor anymore really anyway.

I definitely don't think asking for a later start would be hard, since 80% of western NY's Musky fisherman are a part of the NMA.  Anything can be accomplished with the right presentation and petition. 

But it has to be accomplished 100%. Otherwise you just have 30 boats from Thompson's to the shipyards opening day. Good luck getting overall support for that. Especially when a lot of time and research has already gone in to deciding when the spawn is finished and its safe to target these fish. It's not like we currently have declining numbers to support the argument.
Not to ignore everyones opinions and earlier posts but id like to make a motion to put an end to musky season all together! The club as a should take up underwater basket weaving, sell out baits and donate all profits to the bait fish funds ...

I'll raise a motion to move this topic to a monthly meeting where it belongs and folks can talk face to face instead of what's going on here currently.


100% agreed Dave

I second the motion to discuss at the next meeting.  

This forum obviously isn't an official NMA Meeting so my comment on a "motion" was a little on the tongue-in-cheek side but the substance of what this thread turned into is something we all think about and have personal opinions on.

If the folks supporting the NMA lobbying for an extended season in the upper on the American side (or not) are serious in their opinion they will attend a NMA meeting to be heard, otherwise all the comments posted here 'for or against' are just the typical internet chatter/bs that all open forums propagate.



Any seconds for basket weaving?
I'll choose to look at what's been started here in a positive light. There have been valid points made from all sides. It's not a clean cut decision by any means. This has given us the opportunity to think about the topic, post some of our views and concerns and now no one should feel blind sided when I bring it up at January's meeting. Thank you to everyone that contributed and added valid information to the topic.

I agree with Dave.  However, I really enjoyed hearing everyone's opinions on this discussion.   Very intriguing.  I'll tell you what right now?  lol.   I would love to hear  from our "Conservation Director".  Or perhaps, a brief statement from Mr. Kitchen (former Conservation Director).  Unfortunately, it is hard for some individuals to make it to meetings like myself.  :-(

But I am sure that some of you would be inclined to agree:

As a fisherman, if you are a part, or want to be part of a "Conservation Club",
you conserve to fish.  You make that judgment call.  Plain and simple.  I'm sure our conservation director would agree. 

Man, I need to start going to some meetings.  lol.  Hi Adam, John, Dave, McKee, Larry, Miller, etc....  

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