

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

Its official I guided a client in his boat today using TUBES! Patrick Beltz caught a nice 47 1/2" muskie! Cullen is also still on fire,he will tell you about his great day I'm sure!

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Since the NMA Banquet is on Saturday, March 16th at the Pearl at the Webb starting at 6PM (obvious plug and tickets are on sale now), perhaps the two sides in the debate can hold a West Side Story-style fight slash dance off in the streets of the city?  Someone, please bring oxygen and novelty band-aids!  On second thought we might be better with a pie eating competition or a mean game of four square or stick ball.  Like Joe D., I hope the two sides don't opt to call each other names until one cries and goes home.

I agree Dolan.  I hope no body leaves over this one small season extension issue.  I am not here to upset anyone.  I truly do love this club, its members and the muskies in our fishery.  My views are my opinions.  I am old enough to understand that opinions vary.   I am just strongly against extending the season in the Harbor.  If it was just a river extension it would be different since the Canadian side is being fished till December 15th and since the river seems to be flourishing.

I would like to stat a new thread labeled "Trapping great lakes muskies for stocking efforts, doing it with or without permission of experts" (Kidding of ofcourse)

I can decipher and speak fluent Jojo-ease, but i have no idea what he meant by, "Fish sandwiches are  one of my favorite breakfasts, because they usually mean I got some  good lov'in yesterday???"

Dude..... it's Lent!  Since I can't eat meat on Fridays, I second the motion to start a fish fry.  A 50 incher would feed a lot of hungry Catholics!   Amen?

Or one "Pooner"!  (Who loves you Tommy J.?!)



Larry, why did the DEC contact Chapter 69 and not the NMA on this subject "back in Oct last year"?  We were never asked to "give them an answer in 48 hours". Seems curious to me.  I also "can't wait to hear why."  Perhaps we're out of the DEC loop?

Scott,I'm going to ask Mike Clancy that exact question,why were we asked and not the NMA and why were we given 48 hours to respond?

I have no hard feeling toward anyone over this debate,sometimes when I feel I'm backed into a corner and I think I'm right I set out the claymore mines,lock-n-load the M-14,hover behind the sandbags and open fire! I'm sorry if I upset some of you,I just do not see the 15 days of December harming the fishery.

Ok,now when I say this think about how I'm an old fart,we eat muskies back in the early 70's! The smaller ones actually tasted like chicken,stovetop stuffing packed,mayo coated to draw out the fishy flavor,baked at 375 degrees for 1 hour.Never lowered myself to carp or sheepshead thow.Now you have something to hate me for!

I'm sure we will all get through this,the March 5th NMA Meeting will be very interesting!

They taste like steak. At least the little ones. Bones are no problem. The big ones are all poisonous due to all the years they've been in a toxic environment (at least that's what I tell everyone).
John Pensyl said:

I just like to type and help Scott get some action on this site he has worked so hard on. "He Scott, there's action on the site again, she's back from the dead!". What controversy can we stir up next to get some member response? Hey I've got it!! Tony, Larry, anybody that fished the river years ago... What do muskies taste like?? I bet the y bones are huge in a 4 footer! You ever take a whole fillet and make a 4 foot sub? Can u eat the cheeks?
Lol.. my talk of eating prime musky meat is sure to tick off the musky gods!! I'm gonna go 0-236 next season!

If you want to find out what they taste like, you can go here in August.

Fort Kent Muskie Derby

9th Annual Fort Kent Muskie Derby

I believe I posted this a while ago.


I'd go and help out. I read all about that derby and honestly support the cause! The musky is an unwanted invasive species in that river that threatens their beloved trout. Personally I'd much rather have the muskies but its not like here where we introduced species to fight invasives with the pacific salmon program in the great lakes or tiger musky stockings in the finger lakes. Those programs were a chance to help save the native species by controlling new invasives by introducing a new predator, a lessor of two evils with a great side effect! I can understand where they are coming from. It would be like guys stockng Asian carp in the Niagara because they would rather hunt those with bow and arrow then catch smallies and muskies. Now the dark house spearing that goes on with the native Americans in the mid west, that makes me queasy.

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