

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

Scott and I got on the water about 6 am.  We started off speed trolling and casting from just above Frenchman's down.  At 6:30 we decided to troll the triangle.  At 6:40 my rod went off, after a brief fight where I announced that I must have set my drag too loose because the fish was hard to get in, my biggest fish ever, a beautiful 47" was in the net.  She had a gouge on her from the spawn, but she dove right down when released.  That was the only fish we saw today (not that I'm complaining) and we got off the water around 10 am because Scott had to go to work.  We will be back at it tomorrow morning, good luck to everyone out there!

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Whereas Carrie jumped into the musky pool with boat feet landing her personal best, I am taking a baby steps approach to the 2013 campaign.  We fished from 6:30 to 11:00 am.  I landed a dinky pike on my desperation lure; a Baby Depth Raider in perch.  We spent 90% of our trip in UN4.  We had no follows, no rips and very little dry clothing to show for our efforts.  I'll be out all day tomorrow.

I tubed for a few hours this am. Not a nibble. My feet got soaked and the arthritis was acting up. Will try again tomorrow.



I am working on a new musky attractant slash pain relief slash dessert topping that will make jigging and arthritis bearable.  Any ideas for a name for this revolutionary product?  I'm thinking Dr. Kool's Musky Joint Whip or Slather X.

Congrads , Carrie on your fish !! the river was beautiful yesterday morning. fished with Richard Minich on the opener. trolled some of the east river and harbour. nothing but bait.


Would you like to try my special home made doggy treats? They have Glucosamine, Chondrotin, MSM , Omegs -3 Fish oils and beef scraps.

If you want I will make you a special batch with  Ibuprofen and GERITOL for you ... (and me)...


Good Day

Congrats to Cari and Jayman and everyone that got fish.


I'm glad to hear of all of the successes during the opening week end, especially Carrie and Jay's fish.  Those are some BIG fish!  Congrats to both of you.  I on the other hand didn't fair quite so well.  We fished dawn to dusk on the opener; jigged mostly, trolled a little shallow and deep, casted cranks but other than some teeth marks from a bite I didn't feel there were no fish to be had for me.  Jerry caught a hard head shaking 40 incher and water released her boat side.  We got back at em early on Sunday from 6-12 without a bite.  It sure felt good to be on the hunt. 

Wow!!   Nice fish Carrie!  Very Nice!

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