

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

Got out for the first time this year for a short trip with Maryanne

I have a bunch of really nice Musky Machinery spinner baits. Steve Voigt was the maker, the former owner of M$G spinner baits,  unfortunately he passed away this winter

through the off season I thought I would put a lot of time in on these baits this season

We started off with a MM bait each, 20 min with no action, I handed Maryanne the bait box and asked her to pick one out to change on her line. After a through search she picked one out.

now,,, Steve and I have had an on going internet battle,, as he had expressed himself many times how much he loved my girl, can't blame him, hard to find women who love this sport

He's commented several times on Maryanne's looks, he was definitely a fan, Maryanne had an affection to the ol guys' humor, Steve and I have had a few mock battles, and flew some good jokes back and forth over the years over it all

I set out Maryanne's choice of bait, sit back in the drivers seat

Maryanne, pulls the sleeves down on her sundress to tan,, she makes the comment as she looks to the sky " how's that Steve?"

Instantly her rod fires

looks like he's still having the last laugh

nice quick start to the season, and we both had a big laugh,, 

now to find the big girls

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Canadian border patrol had a water ski boat pulled over at a launch, there where two different trucks there, how they encouraged the boater to go the launch, I have no idea, he didn't pull out at the time

I asked the guy what was up, he said he was just out skiing and zig zagged over the line while doing so

Love my American friends,, but I strictly stay to the Canadian side now,,

this is just crazy

Have you ever heard anything about about US authorities hassling Canadian boaters?

The musky gods often smile on those that remember departed fellow musky anglers, especially when we talk to them on the water.  Nice job Maryanne!


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