

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

As I was checking my drop shot rig for weeds I was greeted with a once familiar site; a following musky.  I set the bass gear aside and chucked a green Ninja upstream.  When the tube hit the bottom I lifted it once.  The fish hit on the drop and I knocked the hell out it on the hook set.  About halfway to the boat I told my brother, Bruce, "it feels like a big bass."  The musky I had seen seconds before wasn't as disappointed as I with the smallmouth, and it took a quick swipe at the bass.  After missing, the musky swam to the bottom and the struggling smallie wasn't enough enticement to bring it up again.

That was pretty much it for excitement.  We caught and lost a few bass.  Nothing really special.

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I used to love when the muskies would chase my hooked smallies down in the lower, happens quite a bit in May/early June down there but I never did have one grab one.

Me and Kyle had a similar disappointment tonight when his rod went off while trolling and a stupid walleye was at the end. It's where all walleyes belong now, on my grill next to the asparagus. After our last run of the night my rod tip was action free from my lure being covered with weeds so I kicked the boat into neutral and began ripping it in as fast as I could reel while it was in the holder, about 15 ft from the back of the boat a mid 30s musky smashed the lure and went berserk. I tried to keep it down but it threw the lure, when I got it back my firebelly Ernie was completely covered in weeds that extended a couple feet back behind it and there was a huge clump engulfing the leader as well. Guess they were feeding on weeds. For those I didn't see at beaver patrol I hit a 44 early this am while night trolling. I'd bet now until the new moon should be good action at night, ill be gone until September so sumbody get out there and get her for me!

How many of you have had a follow on a tube completely covered with moss?  I guess movement equals life.  And we all probably put way too much thought into lures and colors.  I know I do.

John, I've had a few muskies wallop bass before.  A few years ago my brother thought I was insane (more so than usual) when I started screaming at the water, "kill it girl, kill it", until he saw the very nice musky repeatedly missing and finally smashing my smallie.  I can still it.

Nice work on Strawberry tonight boys.  Word has it we used five more bales of wire, and Frank researched wrapping the tree's roots by falling into a four foot hole.  Frank, are you okay?  I wonder if the beavers read the Buffalo News and set this trap for you?  Have they enlisted gophers in their unholy ranks?  What are they planning next?  I'll have my Motor Island aquatic apes investigate.  Their leader and my former fantasy fishing team captain Caesar can not be bought.  I'll get to the bottom of this faster than Frank does to the bottom of a hole!  (Sorry about that Frank.)  I hope you are fine and I hope you're not too sore today.

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