Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all. Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.
Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.
This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.
After nice discussions with Larry Jones and Cheeks Miller (two of the most hardcore anglers you're ever likely to come across), and considering the brutally cold temperatures predicted for tomorrow, I have decided to to err on the side of caution and postpone the TWMT until Saturday, November 30th. The 30th has been "Timmy's Day" for me since he left us in 2004; we might as well have his tournament that day. Please respond to this discussion if you are still participating. If you do decide to head out tomorrow, please be very, very careful. Ice on boat decks and launch ramps are very dangerous.
Two tournaments in two days? It's going to like fishing the PMTTs again. I can't wait.
I am “in”. I am not going to lie; I was seriously tempted to be “out” with the predicted cold temps for this morning. I would have sucked it up and fished because it was a tournament, but I honestly would have hated every minute of it. Seriously if one of you would have been happy and comfortable in these conditions please let me know, also please let me know your secret to staying cozy-warm (lol.) I feel that with Scott’s stories of Timmy, having never had the honor of meeting him myself, that the 30th is the absolute best day to hold a tournament in his honor. But, the stories don’t completely cover the reasons for the switch. 1.) The temperature is going to be FREEZING!!!!! Now I know that one of the reasons the tourney was canceled was due to safety. Primarily at the dock, ice on the dock, the ramp, your boat when it gets wet, is an obvious concern. 2.) Also due to freezing: frosbite. If you stick your hands in cold water (to release a fish) then subject them to 20 degree or less air temps you are subjecting yourself to frostbite. Furthermore, and more towards the aspects of our club, which is protecting the fishery: If you pull a fish out of the water, which is required for a photo and measurements for our tournaments. You are subjecting that fish to the possible freezing of its gills and eyes, thereby going against any notion of protecting the fish and or fishery.
Carl and I were planning to fish that day so I am pretty sure that we will be in, but I need to confirm with Carl.
I think you made a wise call.
Take care.
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