Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all. Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.
Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.
This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.
Hi gang! Just a reminder that the WNY Sport and Travel Expo. is this week Thurs. 12-9, Fri. 12-9, Sat. 10-9 and Sun. 10-5 at the Event Center at the Hamburg Fairgrounds. If you are looking for our booth we have been moved to a bigger, fancier booth in the middle of the main building. If you use the exhibitor entrance on the side (for booth workers only) head straight down the aisle and make a right in front of the DEC booth, our booth is on the left. If you come in the front (main) entrance turn right and then hang a left at the DEC booth, our booth is on the left. Hope to see you there!
There are two black labs who will be taking up residence for the next four days by our booth. They are very nice dogs. If you go to the show, bring them a bone and me a sandwich. Or is it the other way around? By Sunday, I might go for the bone. And I can't believe I just wrote that.
Carrie...I'll work the show Sunday from 10:00 to 4:00 with Scott for sure & maybe I can stretch it to 5:00. That's the least I can do for the two labs. I wouldn't want them to be alone with Scott all day. It could be traumatic & they'd end up needing dog therapy.
John, thanks! (hahaha!) I worked today from 12-5 with JoJo and Ray Mahtook. Thanks guys for the great company and stories!!!!! I think we may have gotten our all time whopper for show stories. An older gentleman informed Ray and myself that his friend caught 100 50-inch Muskies in one season 4 years ago near Strawberry, and that he was out with him when he caught a 54-incher.
So, it really is true. Not only do muskies grow as soon as they get thrown back in, but they also reproduce!'s going to be hard to top that one!!
I thought the main reason you worked the show was the free candy we hand out. One-hundred 50's in one season? We suck!
Outdoor shows can be a lot like musky fishing. For the most part the show was dead today. (There must have been a strong north wind.) Normally I'll give the spiel 40 or 50 times in a full day, but today I didn't have to bust out the spiel once. Not once. What's the spiel? Basically a muskies 101 with extra attention paid to proper equipment and release. (I can do the spiel in my sleep.) Strange day for sure; not a single follow. On the bright side we did have a few re-captures. Andy Wypior, Cory and Scott Krawczyk, Russel Zimmer, Jim Spadafora and Andy Hector rejoined, which is of course great news and it was a lot of fun catching up with all those guys. (At meetings I have very little time to actually talk to members about musky fishing, and I just can't get enough Nipissing talk with Andy and Jim.) Speaking of talking to members, Mark Wozniak and I had a lot of time to shoot the breeze, and you can't beat that with a stick. We also managed to sell a few banquet tickets.
No follows, no new water learned, but six re-captures proves we must be doing something right. Thanks for re-joining guys and thanks for keeping me company all day Mark!
Nice to meet both of you guys there holding down the fort. It was also a good-looking booth. I did manage to have a good talk with Mark, too. He & I worked the booth together last year (with Chris K) & when you can sit & talk a while, like you said, there's a wealth of knowledge in our club. See ya' Sunday.
It must be hard to keep a straight face with a story like that.
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