Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all. Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.
Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.
This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.
I'm not the biggest fan of the cell phone, especially when it comes to fishing. They're too sneaky. i remember years ago in the Harbor, you'd have a few of the guys who would call out to their buddies on the VHF and then ask them if they had their cell phone. Why not just call the guys cell phone? I never liked the sneaky cell phone shenanigans. Neither did my buddies, so we came up with our own code phrases ("Keep pounding it" was one) to switch to other channels so we could discuss what we saw or thought in private. It was juvenile to say the least, but as the time we thought there was a secret to fishing the harbor other than being in the right place at the right time. The VHF radio was a source of reasonable amusement most days. I don't know if you noticed this, but trolling the harbor for long stretches can get a little boring and it's nice to chat one in awhile. Getting back to the cell phone. These technological marvels have all but killed the mindless banter on the water between the fleet. I kind of miss it. I rarely monitor channel 9 anymore. Most of our younger members don't even have VHF radio on board, which isn't the safest idea or the most social. For anyone that still sports a squawker on their boat, I though I'd try to get an updated list of radio names circulated. Please respond to this discussion with your radio handle and I'll add it to the list. Let's be a bit more social out there this year, "loony on first fish" and "slow down".
Scott McKee / Stooges (although I wish it was 30 Helen's (Kid's in the Hall reference))
Bruce McKee / Jiggles & Giggles, Dr. Baloney & Mr. Bonkers, Champagne Tall Boys, Too Many Grandmas, and Stinky Pinky & Chinky. Pick one I guess.
Monitor Channel 9 if you want to talk. DO NOT USE CHANNEL 16 FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN EMERGENCIES.
Frank Stachowiak - Short Recess
Jojo Shmo / Sea Nympho Looney on the first fish report on the VHF channel 9 . Hirsh Electronic in WIlliamsville had hand held waterproof units for $ 80 , which I keep attached to me and my PFD when fishing alone. Never forget that guy that fell over board last year and floated for hours till they found him. Bass pro and Cabelas also have the Midland hand held for under 80.
I find them easier them easier then the dash mounts since a always remove me electronics. Good luck to all, and "be nice to the ladies" jojo out
I always use channel 9 at Buffalo, I am from PA and like to get in touch with other Musky Maniacs.
Best of Luck this season hope to see you soon.
Jim Buss - Lucky Strike
I guess I'll keep my name the same... just call out for Classic chevy
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