

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

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On St. Clair each fall and spring you have Anchor bay fish, St. Clair river fish, Thames river fish, Belle River fish and Detroit River fish. During the summer all of these places are mostly void of fish because they are all out in the lake where the big bait schools are. Sound familiar? Fish will follow food without boundary lines. I agree harbor fish may continually return to the same spots in the harbor, river fish to the same spots in the river. Just like anchor bay fish return to anchor bay and detroit fish to the detroit. They definitely do each have a distinct look due to diet and probably in part to direct genetics as they continually use the same spawning grounds year in and year out. All have predictable preferred seasonal hunting and spawning areas and can be expected to return to the same places. Sugarlaof fish return to sugarloaf, harbor fish to the harbor, triangle fish to the triangle. That doesn't mean they never stray from those areas. A fish that spawns in the harbor in spring and hunts it's gaps in the fall may never go into the River. Why would it? It's going to follow bait out come summer and then return to its known hunting grounds come fall. Same with river fish, it's known areas are where we catch fish, following bait in every fall and happily leaving after the spawn come summer. If fish are swimming from Clair to the Eastern Basin of Lake Erie you better believe there are times when our river population is sitting on Waverly shoal or meyers reef hunting like a pack of wolves.
Let's go find them. I've always wanted to have an Armada head into the lake and blanket as much of it as we can; our own pack of wolves. How much are planer boards?
Lake is too big so we break it down into shoals and reefs. Meyers is too deep, too needle in a haystack for me. Seneca puts out small fish every year to walleye guys so it's nothing new. Need the 1st staging area before river, the beginning of the bottleneck that makes them targetable and something to up our odds. 1st moon in October we blanket troll every thing from the roundhouse through and past waverly. There has to be staging fish somewhere there at that time. I do know of a couple big early fall fish pulled off of waverly in the past 3 seasons so it's not a complete shot in the dark. Plows and mother lovers down, perchies and candies out, shallow jointed snipers on the boards and a big Jake long lined down the chute. We'll find em.
Troll the turtle in October to find the Erie giants. Ever heard that story? Tall tale or truth?
I am in. You'll have to clue me in on the turtle. I had one as a kid. I think my dad named him "Nixon". He was a very suspicious turtle, although he did open relations with billions of communist turtles.

Never heard the turtle story. Have trolled out in the Lake. Needle in a haystack. The Canadian shoreline area has a lot of interesting structure, though.  

I do believe the muskies might swim with the walleyes. On occasion we had double headers. Big muskie on one rod, big walleye on the other. I think they were targeting the same prey. Also caught them in the same areas at the same time. But that was mostly in the north gap area. If big walleyes were in the area, big muskies were usually close by.

On Tuesday night I recall that Mike Clancy indicated that the implanted walleyes did migrate in and out of the river. If the muskies swim with them (shared forage), they would, too, I think.

Highest point of waverly shows up as a flat 4 legged creature with a head on a contour map. Apparently that's the turtle the old guys on the Canadian side claim all the giant muskie encounters happen. 60 inchers. Lol. Get them talking and you always get directed towards there and limekin reef.

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