Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all. Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.
Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.
This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.
Fished today with Sean Leary in the rain. Jigging bite wasn't great. Lot more moss than usual. Switched to casting. Lost a good fishing casting a black and orange bulldawg pounder up near the Lake. Mid 40's.
Caught and tagged a 40 incher on an orange tube above the train bridge on the way back down. Tag #068
I forgot to mention one cool thing that happened. When I was bringing the 40" fish to the net a bigger (darker fish) came flying up like it was going to hit the other muskie. Basically I had a follow while using a 40 muskie as bait. Never had that happen before (I have had multiple fish following the same bait, but never one following a fish). The fish was hooked for about 2 minutes already and had already been to the boat once. On the second time it got close to the boat the bigger fish came up and gave her a good look. Very cool.
Don't tell him about the one Toothy made that is on the wall at the CFC clubhouse. I think it is even bigger.
That reminds me of a TV segment from Al Lindner's In-Fisherman show that was shown way back in the 80's. We had a good talk about that one at work.
The scene opens with a woman standing on a dock yelling over the water "fluffy!, fluffy!, where are you, where are you?" Then two men in a Lund come by & the one seated in front asks her what's the matter. She said that her dog "fluffy", fell in the water and all of a sudden this big, long green monster with a lot of teeth comes up & grabs fluffy away. Now she doesn't know where the dog is.
The camera pans toward the fisherman in the back of the boat and, as he's opening his tackle box looking at his musky lures, he asks "Ma'am, what color was your dog?"
Then the music comes in & the voice-over says "Musky fisherman are a strange breed."
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