

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

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Congrats Jerry!! Theres ur hat buddy!!!
My man! Tell me it was on one of the lures I sold you!

Congrats, Jerry!

Did you get up early, or stay up late?

10 like's! Jerry, you are a NMA website superstar!

Thanks John! I missed it once and been waiting to earn the "Hat" ever since! Hopefully there's not 9-50's caught this year! That would just be my luck! haha! 

No Scott, unfortunately it was not one of your's. Not for lack of trying! It was a Red October Baits tube(we all know who those guys are right?!) casting the drop off.

Tony, John and I were on a mission to get a big fish during the moon phase! I did a split routine that day. We were out in the early morning, accessed the situation, and came back later that night. We then stayed out sooo late that it turned early again. To tell you the truth, I was completely beat, and my back was hurting so bad that I was seriously about to tell John to take me back because I just pushed it too far! I was literally arguing with myself when I said to myself "get up and cast! you are on a mission and all it takes is one more cast"! This is 100% true too! I did that next cast and I swear that when she hit! I knew at once that this was the fish I been waiting for and told John "BIG FISH"! The head shakes were that powerful! I have to thank my Brother John Miller once again for making another big fish possible. She was so big and I was so shot that I couldn't lift her without the possibility of dropping this beautiful fish, so I am completely happy with my Brother holding my fish in the pic. It actually made it better , as we experienced this together. I was willing to let her go without a hold pic and just a measure but John was prepared and we got the shot! I will never forget this moment spent with my Brother, and this sexy Musky! 

Awesome Jerry. Love the way it went down. Miller time!
big fish, big brother, big love

Great job Jerry and John. So you got up early and stayed up late. 4 am, I think. I always liked that time when the first hint of sunlight starts to appear on the horizon. Always nice to see that hard work does pay off for a couple of great and deserving guys!

Jerry Miller said:

Tony, John and I were on a mission to get a big fish during the moon phase! I did a split routine that day. We were out in the early morning, accessed the situation, and came back later that night. We then stayed out sooo late that it turned early again. To tell you the truth, I was completely beat, and my back was hurting so bad that I was seriously about to tell John to take me back because I just pushed it too far! I was literally arguing with myself when I said to myself "get up and cast! you are on a mission and all it takes is one more cast"! This is 100% true too! I did that next cast and I swear that when she hit! I knew at once that this was the fish I been waiting for and told John "BIG FISH"! The head shakes were that powerful! I have to thank my Brother John Miller once again for making another big fish possible. She was so big and I was so shot that I couldn't lift her without the possibility of dropping this beautiful fish, so I am completely happy with my Brother holding my fish in the pic. It actually made it better , as we experienced this together. I was willing to let her go without a hold pic and just a measure but John was prepared and we got the shot! I will never forget this moment spent with my Brother, and this sexy Musky! 

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