Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all. Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.
Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.
This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.
Its official I guided a client in his boat today using TUBES! Patrick Beltz caught a nice 47 1/2" muskie! Cullen is also still on fire,he will tell you about his great day I'm sure!
John,Your right what needs to happen for the big muskies to show in numbers is Lake Erie's deeper waters have to be colder then the Buffalo Harbor,that historicaly has happened around 46 degrees in behind the Harbor Walls,with 44 to 45 degrees out in the Lake.This water temp cooldown has been getting later every year and now is happening after the season closes on Nov 30th.Sure we get lucky from time to time with a snow fall that rapidly cools the surface water and then combined with high winds cold water pushed displaces water up again'st the outside walls.This leaves a wind induced water temp change just outside the Harbor infront of the walls,behind the walls would be too warm and out deeper in the lake would also be too warm,Example:Nov 13th--17th last year 45 degree water ouside the South Gap,same time 48 degree water in the Harbor and as you headed toward the "A" Can going out deeper in the Lake the water temp rose back up to 48 degrees out in 43ft of water depth.After 4 Days the surface winds were from the NE,with the combination of the Niagara River pulling from the bottom of Lake Erie the water surface temp oustside the South Gap where the muskies were being caught went back up to 49 degrees,then it became a Dead Sea.Durring that 45 degree water period I marked at least 50 Big Hooks and Gizzard Shad Pods,I caught 7 muskies,2 other boats caught 8 muskies.So if we have a year with no snow or very cold nights cooling water surface combined with winds pushing the cold water this way,we will see no fish,they come in much later then the present closing date of November 30th.Opening the season till December 15th doesn't mean it will happen in that time frame either,we could get blown off by high winds & brown water.The number of boats fishing in December if it were open,not many,little or no pressure on the fish at all!
Mike,If the weather does permit ,I and others should have the right to go out and fish in the time period where colder water temps needed to move in the fish have moved to have a chance to have a very big muskie pay a visit to our boats for a short visit! Would you hunt Ducks when they are not here? They had to move that season later.Look for Deer Bow Season & Shotgun/Rifle Seasons to be moved later as well very soon,already being talked about.The 15 days of December will not over stress the fishery!
I have spent more time fishing the Buffalo Harbor than anyone in the NMA or outside NMA,no one has more hours on the water up there then me.I'm only saying this because I have seen all the changes that have taken place from the first Harbor Muskie I caught in 1990 until now.I also have records on every fish that has payed a visit to my boat in all those years.I have seen the water that use to be stained all the time into the mid 80's,go to gin clear,changing the depth of fishing from 7 ft to 25ft depths etc.Once Lake Erie quit freezing to the point where chunks the size of cars were coming down the river for weeks in the spring,the fishery took a big turn to the worse.I have recorded these water temprature changes over the years and have come up with when the main forage base the gizzard shad come to or near the Harbor.Other then when there is a wind induced water temp change dropping the water temps in an area to the most desirable temp of 46 degrees and under,there are mostly no fish present.The mean water temprature for Lake Erie getting to colder temps then 46 degrees,making the Harbor usually 1 to 2 degrees warmer that attracts the Gizzard Shad and following Muskies,is getting later every year.I do not even have to put my own data up,just go to the NMA Catch & Release Log and look at 2005 to 2011 and look at the water temps at the latest date posted for November.You will find that we have not been close to getting cold enough almost all of those years and it shows by not many big muskies over 50" being caught & released.The true harm to the Muskie Fishery is those who fish the Buffalo Harbor the 1st two weeks of the season and the month of August in the Upper Niagara River.The only thing that is going to bring back the fishery is Habitat Restoration,even Stocking will not help with the muskie fingerlings have no where to go or not forage base to feed on.The 15 days of December are going to have no real impact on fish that are stressed the least in cold water,but then again you still have to catch them,they could still not be here by Dec 15th or the weather may not even let you get out,but everyone including mysellf should have the right to fish!
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