

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

Trolled a couple hours in the harbor this am, and drifted a couple in the river. No luck.

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I went out of the SBH at 7 am this morning,wow! now 73 degree water! Almost a dead sea in the whole harbor,only marked baitfish at the Buffalo River stain line in the North Gap.Now changing over to 7 pm to 7 am Night Bite down the West River!

No Fish to my Boat today either! Except for a Cleveland Trout(Sheepshead) of 7 to 8 lbs that took a Wiley 5 1/2" jdj crankbait at 3.5 mph by the white canistor on the Short Wall.

Larry I'll be in harbor from midnight til daybreak giving it one last shot. Then off to river for a few hours in am. That'll be it for the niagara for me for a couple weeks. St Claire is calling my name.
John, From the end of Donley's Wall to the first Black Rock Channel Green Bouey had all the Bait Fish along the stain line from the Buffalo River.Good Luck, I'm going to start at 7 pm tomorrow night and work my way down the West River to Navy Island and back up the East River trolling as much water as I can cover till daylight.


Although I didn't troll the river today, there was a fair amount of moss. So you might have to clean the lures now and then. But it's probably not anything were not used to.



My temp gauge read 70 at the mouth of the Buffalo River, and 67 out past the walls. Strangely, the west river was only 62 or 63.


Tony, Thanks! I was hoping to get at least 10 minutes between cleaning!
Fished from 5 to 11:30. Started off in the river for a few drifts, moved 3 fish one low 40's. At 830 my buddy Rob sets the hook on a good fish and gets her 20 feet from the boat, she twists an turns an the tube pops out. Didnt get a great look at her but had to be mid 40s. Probably would of been his pb. At 10 we decided to finish up in the north gap. Started by the west wall an trolled towards the mouth of the canal, did a loop an headed back to donnellys wall. At 1120 a out rod with a grandma 53 ft back goes screaming!! Pole doubled over, Rob wrestles the rod free of the rod holder and struggles to battle the fish to the boat. I scoop her up with the beckman in awe, 49.5"x25" Beast. Robs personal best and the biggest caught in my boat. Crazy night.
Awesome bro. I'm out here now. Congrats on fish
Cory, congrats on the Fattie! I will give the river a try tonight.

WOW!! there's a night to remember!!  Congratulations.

Congrats! how about a pic would love to see that beast

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