

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

Dan Scheda & I went shadow casting at the Cass Wed.  Great time with great company.  The young & old in one boat at the same time.  I wonder if anyone's ever called him "old" before?

Dan connected with one toothy but it took & dropped right away & had one other follow the fly right to the boat.  Once it saw the boat it turned & burned.

I had one come up underneath my fly then turn back down.  All that action in about the last hour in the upper lake.  No action for the previous 3 hrs all around.

Hopefully Dan can give a few more details like sizes, etc.  A great time B.S.-ing the whole time.  We'll do it again soon (B.S. that is).

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Dan...I know you were going to go out again by yourself after I came in.  How long did you stay & how did you do?  thanks..jj

I couldn't upload a video of Johns Gurgler Popper (thanks apple).  It makes a really nice sound but apparently I was the only thing on the lake interested in it!  When I got there in the morning and started setting up I realized that I forgot my 10wt fly rod! I almost couldn't believe it.  So I just used a beefy 8wt and it did just fine.  At the end of the day I had three follows and two take flies.  One was hooked and the other just grabbed the end of the fly and took a whole bunch of fibers off the fly!  The fish were all low-mid thirty's.  Great day on the water though!  I am looking forward to our next trip (hopefully next wednesday) and this time I will be returning with a photo of me and my first musky on the fly!

I hope every member ties into muskies, but I am really pulling for all of you fly-guys!

Dan...I'll say your 8wt did just fine!...and I'm hoping that I will be the one to take that pic. I'll bring a camera so we won't have to depend on Apple. 

For me, it was also like a "shakedown" cruise. I have to work on my leader/bite guard set up & I think we narrowed down the lakes to about three potential areas.  I'm also going to bring my 9'-8wt with intermediate line.  Let me know about Wed (or any other day).  I'm ready for round 2!!

John, Have you talked to Mike Small yet? I'm sure he would be happy to give you some pointers that might help., I haven't, and I was thinking the exact thing last night.  I thought that I should look up his contact info that you gave me but it'll take me half a day to figure out where I put it.

Can you repost how I can get in contact with him & I'll give him a buzz?  Thanks..John

What I didn't mention earlier was that Dan & I met up with a musky fly tier & Chautauqua guide Steve Wascher.  He recognized me because he does tying demo's at the Oak Orchard Fly Shop.  I try to sit in the front row when he ties.  It's worth it to get a good seat when he's tying. 

He gives tying lessons & has gone to fly tying symposiums in Somerset, NJ to teach seminars.  When he spins & packs deer hair, he has no equal.

We met up with him & his friend from D.C. in their boat.  His friend had latched onto four muskies & Steve two, but none were boated.

Steve is a wealth of info & a real gentleman's gentleman.  He's as free with the info as anyone I've met & just pours out the information that he knows. I got a lot from his conversation out there.  We had a real, real good chat.  It was one of the highlights of my trip to the Cass.  I wish every fly fisherman could meet this guy.

here's a link to some of his ties:

scroll toward the bottom half of the page

...and a tie of his own.  very appropriate for today:

John and Dan'

Here is a link to LOU discussion. There is some discussion from this guy about fly fishing on Chautauqua that might interest you.

Steve...very interesting article.  Thanks.  I'm going to print it out & study it some more.  I see a lot of similarities to the article to what Dan & I have been doing.

We went out today to the Cass & I'll post our "Cassadaga report, the Saga Continues" in another post.  Dan was on the H2O at 5:30 a.m., I was on at 7:30 & we quite at 2:00.  Obviously a much longer day for him than for me.  

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