

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

January 7th, 2016 and Doug Allen (from HF Darling) & I took a boat ride on the Upper this p.m. to check out the site for the Boulder Field FAS.  It was so nice that we ended up spending almost an hour checking other potential FAS sites.  No wind, River like glass, no other traffic, and warm sun.  Days like that are made in heaven. the pics in the post below are the boulders that will go in. the pic in this post is where they're going in.

The boulders will be dropped Friday a.m. off the fishing access site under the S. Grand Island Bridge starting at the buoy.  The job will take only about 4 hrs.

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I bet Mark Anderson wouldn't object to them dropping a couple in front of the CFC boathouse.

What are his coordinates?  I'll see what I can do (heehee)

A bit of a disappointment placing the boulders today.  I met the work boat at Isle View & we stepped onto the work & equipment barge at about 9:30 a.m.  Unfortunately, the compressor that controls the height of the boom blew & the boom was stuck in the up-high position.  Checking things out, the crew decided that they couldn't operate it that way.  Fingers-crossed, the compressor restarted & worked long enough for them to get the boom low.  The big worry was that they wouldn't be able to lower it to get under the 1st span of G.I. Bridge.  Once lowered, the tug pushed the barges back down the river to Tonawanda Island so the mechanics could do their work.

It's an all-day repair & they'll try again Monday, maybe in the snow. 

Seeing the rocks on the trailer gave me an idea of their size. Impressive.

They measure about 4' X 6' & go about 3 tons each.  Doug (from HF Darling) the Project Supervisor on the job, sent one back because it was too small!'s a pic of Doug and me.  I had to sit down 'cuz I got tired from moving all those rocks around.  Tiring work, you know.

When he lays them down, they'll be placed so that the 4' height is vertical & the 6' length is laying on the bottom.  This will make them more stable.  If they end up the other way (6' high), they can knock them over so they lay the right way.

How far apart will they be placed from each other?

Steve...the boulder field will cover about 30' x 60' and have 17 boulders.  Some "rows" will have 2 boulders, others 3, so there will be about 6' in between.


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