

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

Caught one 35"er today, also lost one. My purpose today was to show that we can tag summer muskies with minimal handling. This was a smaller one, so it's probably easier. It also had a hook go through the top of its mouth which had to be cut. All on the video:

Scott M. : I saw that you posted my last video with the video screen ready to go. How did you do that?

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In YouTube copy the imbed address of your video. Go to our website. Click on the Video tab. Click on Add. Paste imbed code.

Nicely done.   I thought you were wearing a headlamp when we saw you yesterday.  Didn't realize it was a camera.  Good stuff.

I used to turn the camera on after hooking a fish, but I would end up losing almost all of the tube fish. Taking the time to turn on the camera would give the fish a chance to shake the hooks, it seemed. So I stopped using the camera for a while. There wasn't a problem with trolling lures.

Yesterday I decided to turn the camera on at the beginning of each drift. That worked out better, just have to delete all the empty footage. I do have a lot of good footage of chasing down snags, if anyone's interested. 

My main purpose is to show that if you don't take the fish out of the water that they almost always swim away immediately. That's been my experience. There may be exceptions with badly hooked fish, which usually doesn't happen with tubes.

It looks like you did one snip with the Knipex. Are you using single hooks?

The tube jig had a large single hook which had to be snipped. The rig also had a large single trailer which wasn't in the fish. I find that the single hooks tend to snag less and grab less moss than the rigs using treble trailers. It also seems that the single hook rigs hold the fish as well as treble rigs.

What kind of camera was that?   A GoPro Hero Session? 

Hero 4.

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