

Keep in mind that I am always looking for images for our newsletter; fish, sunsets, sunrises, other anglers fishing, equipment, anything fishing related. I can use them all.  Large, unedited images are best. Thanks.

Created by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018 at 1:09pm. Last updated by Scott McKee Oct 31, 2018.

Thank you, Jay!

This site is sponsored by NMA Member Jay Nannen.

Andrew Hannes, an ecologist from the US Army Army Corps of Engineers, gave us an update of their Unity Island project. To say it's been a success so far is an understatement. In 2017 & 2019 samples were taken by electrofishing, gill netting and minnow traps. Some of the results:

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I wonder if they measured the size of the pebbles used to determine if they were the right size for the species listed.

Also, where did the 12 inch muskie come from. Was it born there? It would only be 1 year old. 

The experience in Maine shows that muskies, when given the opportunity, will expand their "home" area by spawning in areas where they previously did not exist.

Yes. Build it and they will come (and use it).

If the Musky wasn't there in 2017 (at least by gill netting) that means it would have come in in 2018 or 2019, & yes, it would be a YOY. Dr. Kapuscinski told me that YOY muskies have to make it to about one ft long by the first winter because of low body reserves. If it is a YOY spawned there I would conclude that it's eating well, & by the makeup of the sampling, there is plenty to forage. 

What I find really interesting is that there was no transplanting or anything like that. They built the habitat & all those fish came on their own. We'll have to ask the DEC if they're going to start annual sampling in there, i.e. seining, electrofishing, etc

As far as pebble size I'm sure the Bflo River has had the sediment studied a lot. It makes me wonder if that data will be used by the people working on the Slip #2 project. One of the big concerns was that the sediment would get washed away from the Harbor's wave action.

My pebble comment was sort of an inside joke.
But very good and positive stuff.

You're a funny guy, Tony, but with the Corps, you never know what they've one and if they really measured pebble size, I wouldn't be surprised at all.

The DEC also told me that they electrofished 1(?) or 2(?) YOY muskies at the "knee" in the Black Rock wall. We've always talked about trying to get that opened up to allow some water flow but, like you said, they may have expanded back to the Black Rock, even though there is no water flow thru. Then again, after the wind storm we had, maybe flow has been re-established.

We've got Chris Driscoll lined up for our Feb meeting & he will cover his take on the Telemetry project so far 

I'm sure I missed a very good presentation last night,thanks for posting this info.I drove to Erie and let Dr Dave yank out a tooth,drove back arriving home at 8:30 pm with some pain,so stayed home!
Good Luck to everyone that gets out,water temp is dropping!

Yep, you missed a good one, Larry. The number of fish & the number of species that came in, all on their own, were amazing. Here's a pic of the muskies that were nabbed. Look closely at the one on the right & it measures 12" on the bump board

Little guy is probably a tiger too. Look at the build on that little chunk. Jesus.
Yes fat little guy ,hope he has lots of brothers & sisters!

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